Rebels fight Gaddafi forces at Tunisia border

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail Xinhua, August 27, 2011
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A small number of Libyan rebels have arrived at the main Tunisian-Libyan border post, Ras El Jedir, and are involved in the fighting with forces loyal to embattle Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, Tunisian radio reported Friday evening.

Cautious calm prevailed Friday on the Tunisian side of the Ras El Jedir border post Friday as the Libyan rebels and Gaddafi forces were locked in violent fighting around the towns of Zouara and El Aguila in the area, Tunisian official press agency TAP reported.

TAP said the Tunisian army and police units were keeping a watchful eye on the situation around the border and quoted some observers as saying that the fall of control over the border post into the rebel hands was imminent.

An increasing number of dissident Libyan officials and families are fleeing towards Tunisia and seeking shelters in the country.

Ridha Aoukali, an official of the Libyan rebel National Transitional Council (NTC), said the NTC would take in charge the hospitalization costs for injured Libyans in private Tunisian clinics.

The official, who is currently on a visit at the Choucha military hospital in Ras El Jedir, said he had discussed with representatives of the World Health Organization ways to strengthen the health infrastructure in southern Tunisia and a Libyan medical team would be set up to treat the coming influx of injured Libyans from Tripoli, Zaouia, Zouara and Ajilet.

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