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China Joins UN to Fight Global Drought
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China and the United Nations (UN) jointly established a drought relief center in Beijing Monday, testimony to the country's determination to cooperate with the international community to fight drought.


The International Center for Drought Risk Reduction (ICDRR), cosponsored by the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) and the National Disaster Reduction Center of China (NDRCC), will evaluate drought risks and promote cooperation between China and other Asian countries on drought-relief, said Li Liguo, vice director of NDRCC and also vice minister of civil affairs.


The ICDRR will promote the exchange of drought relief information, expertise and knowledge among different countries, collect novel drought risk reduction technologies and spread the technologies by holding training courses. It will also launch drought research, help improve government management of drought and enhance public awareness of drought risk reduction.


According to Li, about half of the world's nearly 200 countries regularly suffer drought. Developing countries are more severely affected by drought.


By March 28, 203 million mu (13.5 million hectares) of farmland in China had been affected by drought. 13.4 million people and 12 million head of livestock across China suffered from drinking water shortages due to prolonged drought, according to statistics from the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters (SFCDRH).


China has built up experience of drought early warning and drought risk reduction in recent years and the Chinese government is willing to play a bigger role in fighting global drought, said Li.


(Xinhua News Agency April 3, 2007)

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