Tigers kill man, injure son at zoo in NW China

0 CommentsPrint E-mail Xinhua, June 14, 2010
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A pack of tigers mauled a man to death and injured his son at a zoo in northwest China's Shaanxi Province Sunday, a zoo official said Monday.

Five tigers attacked the two at the Xi'an Qinling Wildlife Park in provincial capital Xi'an at around 1:20 p.m. Sunday, said zoo official Jiao Congling.

The father, 45, was taking his son, 17, for an outing after the son recently sat the national college entrance exam.

The man died at the scene after being bitten on the head and neck. The son was slightly injured.

"The gate to the tigers' zone was open, so we walked in. Then the tigers attacked us," the son, surnamed Zhang, said.

However, Jiao said warning signs are posted telling visitors not to enter the tigers' zone.

Police have detained the zoo's manager pending an investigation.

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