4 miners rescued after being trapped for 5 days

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail China.org.cn, December 7, 2012
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Four miners who have been trapped in a flooded coal mine in the the Furuixiang Coal Mine in Qitaihe City of Heilongjiang Province for more than five days were rescued early Friday morning, rescuers said.

Four miners who have been trapped in a flooded coal mine in the Furuixiang Coal Mine in Qitaihe City of Heilongjiang Province for more than five days were rescued early Friday morning, rescuers said.

Four miners who have been trapped in a flooded coal mine in the Furuixiang Coal Mine in Qitaihe City of Heilongjiang Province for more than five days were rescued early Friday morning, rescuers said.

As of 10 p.m. Thursday, more than 4,000 cubic meters of water have been pumped out of the mine, and the water level in the mine has dropped about 20 meters, according to the rescuers.

The four miners were found alive at about 1:20 a.m. after two working platforms were connected. They were lifted out of the mine at about 5:30 a.m. and were instantly sent to a local hospital.

Rescuers are still searching for seven others who have been missing after the mine was flooded on Saturday.

A total of 22 miners were working underground when the accident occurred. Six miners escaped, with another two escorted out of the mine at noon Sunday. Three miners have been confirmed dead.

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