SCIO press briefing on China's space laboratory mission

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Wang Zhaoyao, Director of China Manned Space Agency
Yang Baohua, Vice President of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation
Zhao Guangheng, Chief Designer of the Space Utilization System
Sun Jun, Deputy Director of Beijing Aerospace Control Center

Xi Yanchun, vice director-general of the Press Bureau, State Council Information Office

April 28, 2017

China Review News Agency (CRNA):

The Tianzhou 1 flight mission has been referred to as a final stage in the battle before we start construction of our space station. I'd like to ask, compared with the International Space Station (ISS), what will be the major improvements in regard to our own space station? Also, do we plan to cooperate with other countries or organizations upon completion of the space station?

Xi Yanchun:

Your first question was similar to that raised by Wen Wei Po. Is there anything you want to add, Mr. Wang?

Wang Zhaoyao:

It's fair to say that our own space station has its own unique features. For example, ours has moderate size, but with expansionary capabilities. The ISS weighs more than 200 tons and the Mir over 100 tons. Our space station will weigh more than 60 tons, and 90 tons when the weight of the spacecraft and the cargo craft are included. Considering China's demands, we think its capacity is sufficient. The space station is going to be of moderate size, but room will be left for expansion into a three-module structure.

Second, we optimized the overall design to increase construction flexibility. The design of our cargo spacecraft features three modules so that we will ship small cargoes in enclosed cargo bays, use semi-open bays for large-sized cargoes and open bays for extra-large cargoes.

Third, we have innovated the co-orbit flight mode with Chinese characteristics. In the design of the space station, we will set up a new platform to carry large optic equipment for celestial observation and research, similar to the Hubble Space Telescope. The platform can circle in the same orbit with the space station, yet able to dock with it whenever necessary. This will facilitate repairs and maintenance by astronauts working in the space station while ensuring normal working conditions.

Fourth, we are applying the latest high-tech achievements and have raised comprehensive efficiency. The ISS was designed in the late 20th Century. We are building our own for the 21st Century. Therefore, we will make best use of the latest scientific and technological achievements, information and electronic technologies among others, and apply them to our space station to ensure world-class standards for its system, parts and performance. For example, the previous space stations have no internet connection, while now internet access in space station is achievable. In short, our space station will reflect the most cutting-edge technologies.

As for current development, the research and construction of the whole space station is steadily progressing. We have resolved the key technologies and design plans. Preliminary tests are being conducted for the flight modules. At the same time, accommodation systems such as cargo transport, manned spacecraft and launch vehicles are being manufactured or designed.

International cooperation, as I mentioned just now, should be conducted with an open and cooperative attitude. These years, we have been enjoyed extensive cooperation with many countries, and organizations, including the European Space Agency, France, Germany, Italy, and Russia, etc.

We will maintain our policies and principles after our space station becomes operational. As to the modes of cooperation, joint development of equipment, carrying out space scientific experiments on our platform, sharing experiment devices and transmission of experiment results are all possible.

Last year, we signed cooperation deals with the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) to provide experiment resources on our space station to all countries, including developing countries. The UNOOSA highly lauded such cooperation and has been active in promoting it. The two parties are currently working on concrete details of how to conduct programs. Thank you.

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