中国应对气候变化的政策与行动 2012年度报告
China's Policies and Actions for Addressing Climate Change (2012)

Comment(s)打印 E-mail  2012-11-22
一、减缓气候变化 I. Mitigating Climate Change
控制温室气体排放是中国积极应对全球气候变化的重要任务,也是加快转变经济发展方式和推进产业转型升级的必然要求。2011年中国政府发布了《“十二五”控制温室气体排放工作方案》,将“十二五”碳强度下降目标分解落实到各省(自治区、直辖市),优化产业结构和能源结构,大力开展节能降耗,努力增加碳汇,低碳发展取得积极成效。 Controlling greenhouse gas emissions is not only a key task in China's efforts to address global climate change, but also an essential part of the country's drive to accelerate the shift in its economic development mode and promote industrial transformation and upgrading. In 2011, the Chinese Government issued the Work Plan for Controlling Greenhouse Gas Emissions During the 12th Five-Year Plan Period, which assigns specific carbon intensity reduction targets to all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government. China has achieved positive results in low-carbon development by optimizing industry and energy structures, vigorously conserving energy and reducing energy consumption, and increasing carbon sinks.
(一)调整产业结构 (I) Adjusting Industrial Structure
推动传统产业改造升级。国家发展改革委修订并发布《产业结构调整指导目录(2011年本)》,强化通过结构优化升级实现节能减排的战略导向。加强节能评估审查、环境影响评价和建设用地预审,进一步提高行业准入门槛,严格控制高耗能、高排放和产能过剩行业新上项目。严格控制高耗能、高排放产品出口。国务院印发了工业和信息化部牵头编制的《工业转型升级规划(2011-2015年)》,着力推动工业绿色低碳发展。工业和信息化部发布了钢铁、有色、建材、石化和化工、节能与新能源汽车、工业节能、大宗固废、清洁生产等“十二五”规划,推动工业转型升级。同时狠抓技术改造,完善管理办法,加大支持力度,突出支持重点,2011年共安排工业专项技改资金135亿元,带动投资2791亿元,使技改工作的针对性、有效性和影响力得到明显提升。 Transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. The National Development and Reform Commission has released the 2011 edition of the Guideline Catalogue for Industrial Restructuring, further underlining the country's strategic direction towards conserving energy and cutting emissions by optimizing and upgrading its industrial structure. The government has stepped up evaluation and examination of energy conservation, environmental impact assessments, and preliminary examination of land used for construction projects. It has raised the entry threshold for certain industries and strictly limited new projects in industries with high energy consumption, high pollutant emissions or excess capacity. It has also rigorously controlled the export of products with high energy consumption and high pollutant emissions. The State Council has disseminated the Plan for Industrial Transformation and Upgrading (2011-2015) drawn up by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to promote green and low-carbon industrial development. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has released specific development plans for the 12th Five-Year Plan period to boost industrial transformation and upgrading in a number of key industries, including iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, building materials, petrochemicals and chemicals, energy-saving and new-energy vehicles, industrial energy conservation, bulk solid waste and clean production. Meanwhile, in order to promote technological upgrading, the ministry has improved management mechanisms and increased support with a number of priorities identified. In 2011, the government earmarked 13.5 billion yuan in technological upgrading funds, which in turn generated investments amounting to 279.1 billion yuan. Efforts to stimulate technological upgrading have become more targeted and effective and have yielded very positive results.
扶持战略性新兴产业发展。国务院印发了《“十二五”国家战略性新兴产业发展规划》,明确我国节能环保产业、新一代信息技术产业、生物产业、高端装备制造业、新能源产业、新材料产业、新能源汽车产业等七大类战略性新兴产业发展路线图。国家发展改革委牵头制定了重点工作分工方案,细化明确国务院各部门的具体任务;加快建立战略性新兴产业统计体系,组织战略性新兴产业试测算工作,研究起草《战略性新兴产业重点产品和服务分类目录》;进一步加大对重大项目建设的支持力度,组织实施了一批重大产业工程和重点专项,设立了战略性新兴产业发展专项资金;积极推动新兴产业创投计划,新兴产业创投计划支持创投基金已达102只,总规模近290亿元,其中主要投资于节能环保和新能源领域的基金有24只,规模超过70亿元。 Supporting the development of strategic and newly emerging industries. The State Council has issued the Development Plan for National Strategic Emerging Industries During the 12th Five-Year Plan Period. It charts the road map for seven strategic emerging industries - energy conservation and environmental protection, new-generation information technology, biology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy, new materials and new-energy vehicles. The National Development and Reform Commission has issued a plan assigning specific tasks to each State Council department, accelerated the development of a statistical system for measuring the performance of strategic emerging industries and carried out trial evaluations, and drafted the Catalogue of Key Products and Services in Strategic Emerging Industries. Meanwhile, it has given greater support to the development of key projects, carrying out a number of major industrial projects and special programs. It has initiated a special fund to boost the development of strategic emerging industries, and expanded its venture capital program for emerging industries. So far 102 venture capital funds have been set up under the program, managing a total of 29 billion yuan. Among these funds, 24, with a total value of 7 billion yuan, are designed to stimulate the development of the energy-saving, environmental protection and new energy sectors.
大力发展服务业。继续做好《国务院关于加快发展服务业的若干意见》、《国务院办公厅关于加快发展服务业若干政策措施的实施意见》等有关文件的贯彻落实,2011年又印发了《国务院办公厅关于加快发展高技术服务业的指导意见》,进一步改善服务业环境、提高服务业发展水平。在《产业结构调整指导目录(2011年本)》中重新划分了服务业类别,大幅增加鼓励类服务业条目,初步形成了鼓励发展服务业的门类体系。加强和改进市场准入、人才服务、品牌培育、服务业标准、服务认证示范和服务业统计等方面工作。在全国范围积极开展服务业综合改革试点,并在一些领域建立了跨部门的工作协调机制。全国多数省市制定印发了加快发展服务业的政策文件,积极推进生产性服务业集聚区建设,加快促进重大服务业项目建设。 Vigorously developing the service industry. Apart from continuously implementing the State Council Opinions on Accelerating the Development of the Service Industry, the Opinions of the State Council General Office on Implementing the Policy Measures for Accelerating the Development of the Service Industry and other relevant documents, the government in 2011 published the Guidance of the State Council General Office for Accelerating the Development of Hi-tech Service Industry, in a bid to further improve the environment for the development and upgrading of the service sector. In the Guideline Catalogue for Industrial Restructuring (2011 version), the government redefined service industry sub-sectors and included more sectors under the “Encourage” category. A basic classification system has been drawn up to encourage the development of the service sector. The government has also stepped up and improved its work on market entry, human resources, brand building, standardization, certification and statistics on the service sector. It has carried out nationwide trials of comprehensive reforms in the service sector and set up inter-departmental coordination mechanisms in key areas. Most provinces and cities have released policy documents to encourage the development of the service sector, actively promoted the creation of producer service industry development zones, and accelerated the development of key service sector projects.
加快淘汰落后产能。继续贯彻落实《关于抑制部分行业产能过剩和重复建设引导产业健康发展的若干意见》和《关于进一步加强淘汰落后产能工作的通知》,完善落后产能退出机制,2011年工业和信息化部、国家发展改革委等有关部门联合印发了《关于印发淘汰落后产能工作考核实施方案的通知》、《关于做好淘汰落后产能和兼并重组企业职工安置工作的意见》、《高耗能落后机电设备(产品)淘汰目录(第二批)》等,加强对淘汰落后产能工作的检查考核,督促指导各地切实做好企业职工安置工作。2011年,全国共关停小火电机组800万千瓦左右,淘汰落后炼铁产能3192万吨、炼钢产能2846万吨、水泥(熟料及磨机)产能1.55亿吨、焦炭产能2006万吨、平板玻璃3041万重量箱、造纸产能830万吨、电解铝产能63.9万吨、铜冶炼产能42.5万吨、铅冶炼产能66.1万吨、煤产能4870万吨。 Speeding up the elimination of backward production capacity. Continuing to implement the Opinions on Curbing Overcapacity and Redundant Construction in Some Industries and Guiding the Sound Development of Industries, as well as the Notice of Further Strengthening Elimination of Obsolete Production Capacity, China has been making efforts to improve the exit mechanism for obsolete production capacity. In 2011, relevant departments, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Development and Reform Commission, jointly issued the Notice of Issuing the Implementation Plan to Assess the Work of Eliminating Obsolete Production Capacity, the Opinions on Resettling Workers Laid off due to Elimination of Obsolete Production Capacity and Corporate Merger and Restructuring, and the Catalogue (2nd Batch) of Obsolete Mechanical and Electrical Equipments (Products) Eliminated due to High Energy Consumption. Following the guidelines set out in these documents, the government has improved its examination and evaluation of efforts to eliminate obsolete production capacity, and issued directions to local governments on the redeployment of displaced employees. In 2011, China shut down small thermal power generating units with a total generating capacity of 8 million kw and eliminated obsolete production capacity in the following industries: iron smelting, 31.92 million tons; steel production, 28.46 million tons; cement (clinker and mill), 155 million tons; coke, 20.06 million tons; plate glass, 30.41 million cases; paper, 8.3 million tons; electrolytic aluminum, 639,000 tons; copper smelting, 425,000 tons; lead smelting, 661,000 tons, and coal production, 48.7 million tons.
(二)节能提高能效 (II) Conserving Energy and Improving Energy Efficiency
加强节能考核和管理。国务院印发了《“十二五”节能减排综合性工作方案》,分解下达“十二五”节能目标,实施地区目标考核与行业目标评价相结合、落实五年目标与完成年度目标相结合、年度目标考核与进度跟踪相结合,并按季度发布各地区节能目标完成情况晴雨表。工业和信息化部发布了《工业节能“十二五”规划》;住房城乡建设部发布了《关于落实<国务院关于印发“十二五”节能减排综合性工作方案的通知>的实施方案》、《“十二五”建筑节能专项规划》和《关于加快推动我国绿色建筑发展的实施意见》;交通运输部发布了《关于公路水路交通运输行业落实国务院“十二五”节能减排综合性工作方案的实施意见》及部门分工方案,印发了《交通运输行业“十二五”控制温室气体排放工作方案》;国务院机关事务管理局发布了《公共机构节能“十二五”规划》。 Enhancing the assessment and management of energy conservation. The State Council has issued the Comprehensive Work Plan on Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction During the 12th Five-Year Plan Period (2011-2015), which includes a breakdown of energy-saving objectives during the period of the plan. Combining assessment of regional targets with evaluation of industry goals, implementation of five-year targets with fulfillment of annual targets, assessment of annual targets with progress tracking, China releases quarterly reports on the completion of energy conservation targets in each region. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has released the Blueprint of Conserving Energy in the Industrial Sector During the 12th Five-Year Plan Period; the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has released the Implementation Plan for Carrying out the Notice of the State Council to Issue the Comprehensive Work Plan on Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction During the 12th Five-Year Plan Period, the Special Blueprint of Conserving Energy in the Construction Sector During the 12th Five-Year Plan Period, and the Implementation Opinions Concerning Accelerating the Development of China’s Green Buildings; the Ministry of Transport has released the Opinions on the Implementation of the State Council’s Comprehensive Work Plan on Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction During the 12th Five-Year Plan Period in the Transport Industry Including Highway and Waterway, a plan to distribute tasks among its various departments, and the Work Plan for Controlling Greenhouse Gas Emissions During the 12th Five-Year Plan Period in the Transport Industry; the Government Offices Administration of the State Council has released the Blueprint of Conserving Energy in Public Institutions During the 12th Five-Year Plan Period.
进一步完善节能标准。截止2011年底,国家质检总局、国家发展改革委累计出台的高耗能产品能耗限额强制性国家标准达到28项。工业和信息化部、交通运输部等有关部门组织开展若干重点行业、重点产品强制性能耗限额标准以及内燃机等工业通用设备能效标准制定和修订工作;组织22项行业标准立项,复审209项节能标准;抽查重点用能行业单位产品能耗限额标准执行情况和高耗能落后机电设备(产品)淘汰情况;废止道路运输车辆燃料消耗量过渡期车型表,截至2012年6月底,累计发布19批达标车型表,发布达标车型近2万多个,新购营运车辆开始全面执行燃料消耗量限值标准,批准发布《汽车驾驶节能操作规范》等5项行业标准。 Improving standards of energy efficiency. By the end of 2011, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine and the National Development and Reform Commission had set a total of 28 mandatory national standards on energy consumption quotas for high-energy-consuming products. Relevant departments, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Transport, have formulated and revised mandatory standards on energy consumption quotas for key industries and products, as well as the energy efficiency standards for general industrial equipment such as internal combustion engines; they have also initiated 22 projects on industry standards and reviewed 209 energy efficiency standards, carried out spot checks on the implementation of standards on energy consumption per unit product in key industries and the elimination of obsolete mechanical and electrical equipment with high energy consumption, and abolished a list of substandard, high fuel consumption vehicle models that had been permitted to continue operating for a transitional period. By the end of June 2012, 19 batches of vehicle models that meet current standards had been published, covering more than 20,000 models. Newly-purchased operational vehicles have to fully implement the fuel consumption standards. Additionally, five industry standards, including the Energy-Saving Operation Specifications for Driving Vehicles, have been approved and released.
推广节能技术与产品。积极推进采用节能技术,国家发展改革委牵头发布第四批《国家重点节能技术推广目录》,公布煤炭、电力、钢铁等13个行业的22项节能技术;工业和信息化部下发了《关于开展重点用能行业能效水平对标达标活动的通知》,指导各地深入开展能效水平对标达标,实施重点企业节能技术改造,积极推广先进节能生产工艺;编制完成钢铁、石化、有色、建材等11个重点行业节能减排先进适用技术目录、应用案例和技术指南,涉及600多项节能技术;继续推进工业企业能源管理中心建设,开展工业能耗在线监测试点,组织制订工业能效提升计划和电机能效提升计划,提出工业能效提升路线图和低能效电机淘汰路线图,2011年全年共推广节能电机200多万千瓦。继续实施节能产品惠民工程,推广使用节能产品,2011年全国共推广高效节能空调1826多万台、节能灯1.5亿只、节能汽车400多万辆。 Promoting energy conservative technologies and products. China has actively promoted the adoption of energy-saving technologies. The National Development and Reform Commission oversaw the publication of the fourth edition of State Key Energy-Efficient Technology Promotion Catalogues, covering 22 energy-efficient technologies in 13 industries including coal, electric power, and iron and steel. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has published the Notice of Carrying out Energy Efficiency Benchmarking and Target-Hitting Activities in Key Industries, directing all local governments to press ahead with these activities, implement energy-saving technologies in key enterprises, and actively promote advanced energy-saving production processes. Catalogues, applications and technical guidelines for advanced energy conservation and emissions reduction technologies have been compiled for 11 key industries including iron and steel, petrochemicals, nonferrous metals and building materials, covering more than 600 energy-saving technologies; the ministry has continued to promote the creation of energy management centers in industrial enterprises, and launched pilot programs for the online monitoring of industrial energy consumption. It also formulated plans to improve energy efficiency in industry and the efficiency of electrical equipment, including roadmaps for the improvement of energy efficiency in industry and the elimination of energy-inefficient equipment, and in 2011 distributed energy-efficient equipment with a total generating capacity of more than 2 million kw. The government continues to promote energy-saving products under a project to subsidize the use of these products. In 2011, the country distributed more than 18.26 million high-efficiency air conditioners, 150 million energy-saving lamps and more than 4 million energy-efficient motor vehicles.
实施重点节能改造工程。国家发展改革委继续组织实施锅炉(窑炉)改造、电机系统节能、节约和替代石油、能量系统优化、余热余压利用、建筑节能、绿色照明等重点节能改造工程。发布了《中国逐步淘汰白炽灯路线图》,决定从2012年10月1日起逐步禁止进口和销售普通照明白炽灯。2011年新增节能建筑面积13.9亿平方米,完成北方15个省(区、市)既有居住建筑供热计量及建筑节能改造面积1.4亿平方米;天津等10个低碳交通运输体系建设第一批城市试点继续推进,启动了北京等16个低碳交通运输体系建设第二批城市试。2011年,通过重点节能改造工程建设,可形成1700多万吨标准煤的节能能力。 Carrying out key energy-saving projects. The National Development and Reform Commission continues to undertake key energy-saving projects, including improving the efficiency of boilers, furnaces and electrical equipment, economizing on the use of oil and using oil substitutes, energy system optimization, re-use of surplus heat and pressure, construction of energy-saving buildings, and a green lighting project. It has published the Roadmap for IL (Incandescent Lamps) Phase-out, and banned the import or sale of 100-watt-or-greater incandescent bulbs from October 1, 2012. In 2011, the country constructed 1.39 billion square meters of energy-efficient floor space and completed heat metering and energy efficiency renovations on 140 million square meters of existing residential buildings in 15 provinces, autonomous regions and cities in northern China. Following on from a pilot program to construct low-carbon transport systems in ten cities including Tianjin, a second program has been launched in 16 cities, including Beijing. These key projects and others saved energy equivalent to more than 17 million tons of standard coal in 2011.
发展循环经济。国家发展改革委编制了《循环经济发展“十二五”规划》,颁布实施了《废弃电气电子产品回收利用管理办法》;总结凝练了60个国家循环经济发展典型模式案例;选择了22个园区继续实施园区循环化改造示范试点工程,选择7个园区开展第三批国家“城市矿产”示范基地建设,选择16个城市继续开展第二批餐厨废弃物资源化利用和无害化处理试点,在12个地区开展了工业固体废物综合利用基地建设;加大循环经济关键共性技术推广力度;确定了两批18个国家循环经济教育示范基地。 Developing a circular economy. The National Development and Reform Commission has formulated the Development Plan for a Circular Economy During the 12th Five-Year Plan Period; issued and implemented the Methods for Management of Recycling of Waste Electrical and Electronic Products; catalogued 60 model circular economy projects across the country; carried out pilot recycling projects in 22 industrial parks; oversaw the implementation of the third group of national demonstration bases for recovering mineral resources from city waste in seven industrial parks; carried out a second phase of pilot programs for the treatment and re-use of kitchen waste in 16 cities; begun the construction of bases for comprehensive re-use of industrial solid waste in 12 regions; stepped up efforts to promote key generic circular economy technologies, and identified 18 national education demonstration bases for developing a circular economy.
推广合同能源管理。国家发展改革委公布了第二、三批共1273家通过备案的节能服务公司名单。全国多个地方省、市、自治区相继出台合同能源管理项目专项扶持政策。合同能源管理涉及领域从以工业为主,发展到覆盖工业、建筑、交通和公共机构等多个领域。2011年,全国节能服务产业产值达到1250亿元,同比增长49.5%,节能服务公司共实施合同能源管理项目4000多个,投资额412亿元,同比增长43.5%,实现节能量1600多万吨标准煤。 Promoting of energy performance contracting. The National Development and Reform Commission has published the second and third batches of 1,273 registered energy service companies. Specific policies to support energy performance contracting have been enacted in provinces, autonomous regions and cities across the country. Initially focused on industry, energy performance contracting has been extended to other fields including construction, transport and public institutions. In 2011, the output value of the energy conservation service industry amounted to 125 billion yuan, an increase of 49.5 percent year on year. Energy service companies carried out more than 4,000 energy performance contracting projects with a total investment of 41.2 billion yuan, up 43.5 percent year-on-year, saving energy equivalent to more than 16 million tons of standard coal.
实行财税激励政策。工业和信息化部联合有关部门发布了两批《关于节约能源使用新能源车辆减免车船税的车型目录》,对节能车船和新能源车船实行车船税减免。财政部、交通运输部设立了交通运输节能减排专项资金,2011年和2012年对402个申报项目给予了补助,形成二氧化碳减排量183.7万吨。海洋局设立海岛保护专项资金,共支持地方开展海岛保护项目15个,经费约2亿元。农业部投入43亿元引导地方政府加大对沼气利用的补助力度,2011年沼气用户达4100万户,形成CO2减排量6000万吨;在内蒙古、西藏、新疆、甘肃等9个省和自治区实施草原生态保护补助奖励机制政策,安排财政资金共136亿元。林业局扩大造林补贴和森林抚育补贴规模,其中森林抚育补贴财政试点资金超过50亿元。 Implementing fisical and tax incentives. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, together with other relevant departments, have issued two editions of the Catalogue of Energy-saving and New-energy Vehicle Models Eligible for Vehicle and Vessel Tax Reduction or Exemption. Users of eligible cars and vessels will enjoy a tax reduction or exemption according to the new policy. The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Transport have earmarked special funds for energy conservation and emission reduction to subsidize 402 projects in 2011 and 2012 that achieved a reduction of 1.837 million tons of CO2 emissions. The State Oceanic Administration has earmarked special funds for island protection, allocating about 200 million yuan to 15 local protection projects. The Ministry of Agriculture has invested 4.3 billion yuan, directing local governments to increase subsidies to encourage the use of methane gas. In 2011, a total of 41 million households were using methane, cutting CO2 emissions by 60 million tons. The ministry also allocated 13.6 billion yuan to launch a subsidy and bonus mechanism for grassland ecological protection in nine provinces and autonomous regions including Inner Mongolia, Tibet, Xinjiang and Gansu. The State Forestry Administration has increased subsidies for afforestation and forest management and invested more than five billion yuan in pilot projects to subsidize forest management.
2011年全国万元GDP能耗为0.793吨标准煤(按2010年价格),比2010年降低2.1%。主要工业单位产品综合能耗有不同程度降低,2011年与2010年相比,重点大中型钢铁企业吨钢综合能耗、氧化铝综合能耗、铅冶炼综合能耗分别同比下降0.8%、3.3%、4%。2011年,全国城镇新建建筑设计阶段执行节能50%强制性标准基本达到100%,施工阶段的执行比例为95.5%,新增节能建筑面积13.9亿平方米;公共机构人均综合能耗比2010年下降2.93%,单位建筑面积能耗下降2.24%。 In 2011, the energy consumed for every 10,000 yuan of GDP (at 2010 prices) was equivalent to 0.793 tons of standard coal, 2.1 percent lower than in 2010. Overall energy consumption for major industrial products is decreasing, albeit at different rates. Energy consumption per ton of steel produced in large and medium enterprises was 0.8 percent lower in 2011 compared to 2010. For aluminum oxide, energy consumption fell by 3.3 percent over the same period, and for lead smelting by 4 percent. In 2011, the implementation rate of mandatory energy efficiency standards for new urban buildings, which require a 50-percent energy-saving, reached almost 100 percent in the design stage and 95.5 percent in the construction stage. A total of 1.39 billion sq m of energy-efficient floor space was constructed. In 2011 energy consumption in public institutions fell 2.93 percent year on year per person, and 2.24 percent per unit of construction area.
(三)优化能源结构 (III) Optimizing Energy Structure
加快发展非化石能源。国家能源局组织制定了《可再生能源发展“十二五”规划》和水电、风电、太阳能、生物质能四个专题规划,提出了到2015年中国可再生能源发展的总体目标、主要措施等。组织实施了108个绿色能源示范县、35个可再生能源建筑规模化应用示范城市及97个示范县建设试点,组织开展风电、太阳能、生物质能、页岩气等专项规划和上海等五个城市电动汽车充电设施发展规划等专项规划的制定;2011年发布372项能源行业标准,下达633项制(修)订计划,涵盖了包括核电、新能源和可再生能源在内的主要能源领域;筹建生物燃料行业标准化管理体系,加快生物燃料产能建设。2011年,全部非化石能源利用量约为2.83亿吨,在能源消费总量中占8.1%;全国非化石能源发电装机占全部发电装机的比例达到27.7%,非化石能源比例较2005年提高3.4个百分点。2011年,水电装机新增1400万千瓦,累计达到2.3亿千瓦,在建规模5500万千瓦,新开工装机规模1260万千瓦,发电量6626亿千瓦时;核电装机新增173万千瓦,发电量869亿千瓦时;风电并网容量新增1600万千瓦,居全球第一,并网风电发电量800亿千瓦时;太阳能光伏新增装机210万千瓦,累计装机达到300万千瓦;各类生物质发电装机600万千瓦,发电量300亿千瓦时;地热能发电装机2.42万千瓦,海洋能发电装机0.6万千瓦,地热、海洋能发电量1.46亿千瓦时。全国城镇太阳能光热建筑应用面积达21.5亿平方米,浅层地能建筑应用面积2.4亿平方米,已建成及正在建设的光电建筑应用装机容量达127万千瓦。 Accelerating the development of non-fossil fuel. The National Energy Administration has drawn up the Development Plan for Renewable Energy During the 12th Five-Year Plan Period as well as four specific plans for hydropower, wind power, solar power and biomass energy, which together map out the overall goals and policies for China’s renewable energy development to 2015. It has also launched the green energy demonstration projects in 108 counties and the pilot projects of a large-scale utility of renewable energy in buildings in 35 cities and 97 counties. It has formulated plans for wind power, solar power, biomass energy, shale gas, and the development of recharging stations for electric vehicles in five cities, including Shanghai. In 2011, it published 372 industrial standards covering the energy industry, announced plans to issue 633 other formulations and amendments covering major energy fields including nuclear power, new energy and renewable energy. It also plans to establish a standardized management system for the bio-fuel industry and accelerate the construction of bio-fuel production capacity. In 2011, consumption of non-fossil fuel energy reached 283 million tons, accounting for 8.1 percent of total energy consumption. Taking installed power generating capacity, as a whole, 27.7 percent uses non-fossil energy resources, up 3.4 percentage points from 2005. In 2011, installed hydropower capacity reached 230 million kw, up 14 million kw. Including 12.6 million kw of new construction, a total of 55 million kw was under construction in 2011. Hydropower stations generated 662.6 billion kw/h of electricity. Installed nuclear power capacity increased by 1.73 million kw, generating 86.9 billion kw/h. China led the world in constructing on-grid wind power capacity with an increase of 16 million kw, generating 80 billion kw/h. Installed photovoltaic power capacity reached 3 million kw, an increase of 2.1 million kw. Installed biomass power capacity reached 6 million kw, generating 30 billion kw/h of electricity. Installed geothermal capacity reached 24,200 kw and ocean energy 6,000 kw, generating a combined total of 146 million kw/h of electricity. Solar powered heating covered an area of 2.15 billion sq m in urban buildings, and shallow geothermal energy 240 million sq m. The installed photovoltaic power capacity used in urban buildings reached 1.27 million kw, including projects under construction.
推进化石能源清洁利用。继续推动常规化石能源生产和利用方式变革和清洁高效发展,发布了《天然气发展“十二五”规划》和《关于发展天然气分布式能源的指导意见》,提出了“十二五”期间的发展目标和重点任务。在发布实施的《煤炭工业发展“十二五”规划》中将大力发展洁净煤技术,促进煤炭高效清洁利用作为“十二五”煤炭工业发展的重点任务之一,加快高参数、大容量清洁燃煤机组、燃气电站建设,全国在运百万千瓦超超临界燃煤机组达到40台,数量居世界第一,30万千瓦及以上火电机组占全部火电机组容量的74.4%;进一步加大非常规能源开发力度,组织制定了《页岩气发展规划(2011- 2015年)》,提出到2015年基本完成全国页岩气资源潜力调查与评价,初步掌握页岩气资源潜力与分布,到2015年页岩气产量达65亿立方米的发展目标。组织制定了《煤层气(煤矿瓦斯)开发利用“十二五”规划》,提出2015年煤层气(煤矿瓦斯)产量达到300亿立方米,瓦斯发电装机容量超过285万千瓦,民用超过320万户,新增煤层气探明地质储量1万亿立方米的发展目标。 Promoting the clean utilization of fossil fuel. The government continues to promote the clean and efficient development of conventional fossil energy production and utilization. The Natural Gas Development Plan During the 12th Five-Year Plan Period, and the Guidelines for Developing Distributed Energy Systems (DES) for Natural Gas set out key development objectives and tasks. The Development Plan for Coal Industry During the 12th Five-Year Plan Period, which has been issued and implemented, calls for the vigorous development of clean coal technology and the efficient and clean utilization of coal. The government is accelerating the construction of highly efficient large scale coal-fired power generators and power plants. China leads the world with 40 one-million-kw ultra-supercritical power generating units in operation. Thermal power units with a capacity of 300,000 kw and above account for 74.4 percent of total thermal generating capacity. The government has promoted the exploration of unconventional energy sources and formulated the Development Plan for Shale Gas (2011-2015), which defines the goal of completing a survey and evaluation of national shale gas resources by 2015 and sets a production target of 6.5 billion cu m. of shale gas. The Plan for Coal-bed Gas Exploration and Utilization During the 12th Five-Year Period sets a target for coal-bed gas production to reach 30 billion cu m. by 2015; other projected development targets are that installed coal bed methane (CBM) power capacity will reach 2.85 million kw, 3.2 million households will be using CBM, and proven reserves of CBM will increase by one trillion cu m.
(四)增加碳汇 (IV) Increasing Carbon Sinks
增加森林碳汇。国家林业局制定了《林业应对气候变化“十二五”行动要点》,提出加快推进造林绿化、全面开展森林抚育经营、加强森林资源管理、强化森林灾害防控、培育新兴林业产业等5项林业减缓气候变化主要行动;发布了《全国造林绿化规划纲要(2011-2020年)》和《林业发展“十二五”规划》,明确了今后一个时期林业生态建设的目标任务。继续实施退耕还林、“三北”和长江重点防护林工程,推进京津风沙源治理工程和石漠化综合治理工程,开展珠江、太行山等防护林体系和平原绿化建设,启动天保二期工程。扩大森林抚育补贴规模,组织开展各类森林经营试点示范建设。印发了《森林抚育作业设计规定》、《中央财政森林抚育补贴政策成效监测办法》和《森林经营方案编制与实施规范》等相关技术方案。2011年,全国共完成造林面积599.66万公顷,中幼龄林抚育面积733.45万公顷,完成低产低效林改造面积78.88万公顷,义务植树25.14亿株;城市绿地面积达224.29万公顷,城市人均公园绿地面积、建成区绿地率和绿化覆盖率三项绿化指标分别达到11.80平方米、35.27%和39.22%。 Enhancing forest carbon sinks. The State Forestry Administration has formulated the Action Points for China's Forestry Departments in Response to Climate Change During the12th Five Year Plan (2011-2015) Period, initiating five actions to mitigate climate change, namely accelerating afforestation, improving forest management, strengthening forest resources administration, enhancing forest disaster prevention and control, and fostering emerging forestry industries. It has published the Outline of the National Afforestation Plan (2011-2020) and Forestry Development Plan During the 12th Five-Year Plan Period, clarifying the goals of ecological forest development. The government continues to carry out its program of returning farmland to forest and the key shelterbelt construction projects in northwest, northeast and northern China and along the Yangtze River. It continues to promote the program to control sandstorms in the Beijing and Tianjin area and the comprehensive management of stony desertification. It has launched shelterbelt construction along the Pearl River and Taihang Mountain and afforestation in plains regions, as well as the second stage of the natural forests protection program. The government has increased subsidies for forest management and implemented pilot and demonstration forest management projects. It has issued relevant technical plans including the Regulations on Forest Management Work and Design, Supervision Measures on Policy of Central Financial Subsidies for Forest Management, and the Code of Formulating and Implementing Forest Management Schemes. In 2011, China completed afforestation of 5.9966 million hectares and management of young forests of 7.3345 million hectares, and upgraded 0.7888 million hectares of forests with low yield capacity and low protection efficiency. A total of 2.514 billion trees were planted in volunteer tree-planting drives. Urban green areas reached 2.2429 million hectares. The urban per-capita green park space reached 11.80 sq m, with the green area rate and green coverage rate of built-up areas reaching 35.27 percent and 39.22 percent respectively.
增加草原碳汇。2011年,国务院安排136亿元财政资金在内蒙古、西藏、新疆、甘肃等9个省和自治区实施了草原生态保护补助奖励机制政策,享受到补奖政策的农牧民达到1056.7万户。2012年,补助奖励机制政策范围扩大到河北、山西等5个省的牧区和半牧区。2011年,共完成草原围栏建设450.4万公顷,严重退化草原补播145.9万公顷,人工饲草地建植4.7万公顷,京津风沙源草地治理9.1万公顷。2012年目前已完成内蒙古、西藏、四川、甘肃等9个省、自治区退牧还草工程,草原围栏建设440.4万公顷,严重退化草原补播140.1万公顷,人工饲草地建植5.5万公顷,京津风沙源草地治理3.4万公顷。 Enhancing grassland carbon sinks. In 2011, the State Council disbursed 13.6 billion yuan to develop a subsidy and award mechanism for grassland conservation in nine provinces and autonomous regions, including Inner Mongolia, Tibet, Xinjiang and Gansu. A total of 10.567 million farmers and herdsmen households benefited from the subsidy and award policy. In 2012, the policy was extended to cover all herding and semi-herding areas in five more provinces, including Hebei and Shanxi. In 2011, the total area of grassland fenced off for conservation reached 4.504 million hectares, while 1.459 million hectares suffering from severe degradation were re-sowed. In addition, a total of 47,000 hectares of man-made forage meadows were constructed, and 91,000 hectares of pasture were treated to help control the sources of sandstorms that affect the Beijing and Tianjin area. In 2012 so far, as part of the project of returning grazing land to grassland in nine provincial-level regions, including Inner Mongolia, Tibet, Sichuan and Gansu, a total of 4.404 million hectares of grassland have been fenced off for conservation and 1.401 million hectares suffering from severe degradation have been re-sowed. In addition, a total of 55,000 hectares of man-made forage meadows have been constructed and 34,000 hectares of pasture treated to control sources of sandstorms that affect Beijing and Tianjin.
增加其它碳汇。农业碳汇方面,中央财政安排保护性耕作推广资金3000万元、工程建设投资3亿元,2011年新增保护性耕作1900多万亩,全国保护性耕作面积累计达到8500万亩。保护性耕作与传统耕作相比,农田土壤含碳量可增加20%,每年减少农田二氧化碳等温室气体排放量达0.61-1.27吨/公顷,按全国保护性耕作实施面积计算,相当于减少CO2排放300万吨以上。湿地碳汇方面,2011年全国新增湿地保护面积33万公顷,恢复湿地2.3万公顷,湿地储碳功能进一步增强。 Enhancing carbon sinks in other fields. To strengthen agricultural carbon sinks, the central government has assigned 30 million yuan in special funds to promote conservation farming technology, and invested a total of 300 million yuan in conservation farming projects. In 2011, the area cultivated using conservation farming techniques increased by more than 19 million mu, bringing the national total to 85 million mu. Conservation farming helps improve carbon storage. The carbon storage capacity of farmland soil can be increased by 20 percent by the application of conservation farming technology, helping cut farmland emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases by 0.61-1.27 tons per hectare annually, which, applied nationally, amounts to an annual reduction of more than 3 million tons of CO2. Regarding wetland carbon sinks, China brought 330,000 hectares of new wetland under protection and restored a total of 23,000 hectares of wetland during 2011, substantially increasing the carbon storage capacity of the country's wetlands.
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