White Paper: Medical and Health Services in China

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2012-12-27

二、医药卫生体制改革 II. Reform of Medical and Healthcare Systems
经过多年努力,中国卫生事业取得显著发展成就,但与公众健康需求和经济社会协调发展不适应的矛盾还比较突出。特别是随着中国从计划经济体制向市场经济体制的转型,原有医疗保障体系发生很大变化,如何使广大公众享有更好、更健全的医疗卫生服务,成为中国政府面临的一个重大问题。从20世纪80年代开始,中国启动医药卫生体制改革,并在2003年抗击传染性非典型肺炎取得重大胜利后加快推进。2009年3月,中国公布《关于深化医药卫生体制改革的意见》,全面启动新一轮医改。改革的基本理念,是把基本医疗卫生制度作为公共产品向全民提供,实现人人享有基本医疗卫生服务,从制度上保证每个居民不分地域、民族、年龄、性别、职业、收入水平,都能公平获得基本医疗卫生服务。改革的基本原则是保基本、强基层、建机制。 With years of effort, China has made remarkable achievements in the development of its healthcare undertakings, which, however, still fall far short of the public's demands for healthcare as well as the requirements of economic and social development. Especially when China turned from a planned economy to a market economy, the old medical care system has undergone great changes. So it became an issue of major importance for the Chinese government to provide better and more accessible medical and health services to the public. In the 1980s, the Chinese government initiated reform of the medical and healthcare systems, and speeded up the reform in 2003 after a success was won in the fight against the SARS. In March 2009, the Chinese government promulgated the "Opinions on Deepening Reform of the Medical and Health Care Systems," setting off a new round of reform in this regard. The basic goal of this reform was to provide the whole nation with basic medical and health services as a public product, and ensure that everyone, regardless of location, nationality, age, gender, occupation and income, enjoys equal access to basic medical and health services. And the basic principles to be followed in the reform were to ensure basic services, improving such services at the grass-roots level and establishing the effective mechanisms.
医改是一项涉及面广、难度大的社会系统工程,在中国这样一个人口多、人均收入水平低、城乡区域差距大的发展中国家,深化医改是一项十分艰巨复杂的任务。三年多来,中国政府大力推进医药卫生服务与经济社会协调发展,积极破解医改这一世界性难题。通过艰苦努力,中国的新一轮医改取得积极进展。 Medical reform is a social program that covers a wide range and involves difficult tasks. And it is a hard and complicated task to deepen this reform in China, a developing country with a large population, low per-capita income and a wide gap between urban and rural areas. For over three years, the Chinese government has worked hard to strike a balance between improving medical and health services on one hand and economic and social development on the other, trying to find a solution to this worldwide problem. Thanks to the persistent efforts made, China has made positive progress in this new round of medical reform.
——基本医疗保障制度覆盖城乡居民。截至2011年,城镇职工基本医疗保险、城镇居民基本医疗保险、新型农村合作医疗参保人数超过13亿,覆盖面从2008年的87%提高到2011年的95%以上,中国已构建起世界上规模最大的基本医疗保障网。筹资水平和报销比例不断提高,新型农村合作医疗政府补助标准从最初的人均20元人民币,提高到2011年的200元人民币,受益人次数从2008年的5.85亿人次提高到2011年的13.15亿人次,政策范围内住院费用报销比例提高到70%左右,保障范围由住院延伸到门诊。推行医药费用即时结算报销,居民就医结算更为便捷。开展按人头付费、按病种付费和总额预付等支付方式改革,医保对医疗机构的约束、控费和促进作用逐步显现。实行新型农村合作医疗大病保障,截至2011年,23万患有先天性心脏病、终末期肾病、乳腺癌、宫颈癌、耐多药肺结核、儿童白血病等疾病的患者享受到重大疾病补偿,实际补偿水平约65%。2012年,肺癌、食道癌、胃癌等12种大病也被纳入农村重大疾病保障试点范围,费用报销比例最高可达90%。实施城乡居民大病保险,从城镇居民医保基金、新型农村合作医疗基金中划出大病保险资金,采取向商业保险机构购买大病保险的方式,以力争避免城乡居民发生家庭灾难性医疗支出为目标,实施大病保险补偿政策,对基本医疗保障补偿后需个人负担的合规医疗费用给予保障,实际支付比例不低于50%,有效减轻个人医疗费用负担。建立健全城乡医疗救助制度,救助对象覆盖城乡低保对象、五保对象,并逐步扩大到低收入重病患者、重度残疾人、低收入家庭老年人等特殊困难群体,2011年全国城乡医疗救助8090万人次。 The basic medical care systems cover both urban and rural residents. By 2011, more than 1.3 billion people had joined the three basic medical insurance schemes that cover both urban and rural residents, i.e., the basic medical insurance for working urban residents, the basic medical insurance for non-working urban residents, and the new type of rural cooperative medical care, with their total coverage being extended from 87% in 2008 to 95% in 2011. This signaled that China has built the world's largest network of basic medical security. Medical care financing and the reimbursable ratio of medical costs have been raised, and the government subsidy standards for the new rural cooperative medical care system were increased from 20 yuan at the beginning to 200 yuan per person per year in 2011, benefiting 1.315 person/times in 2011 as against 585 person/times in 2008. The reimbursement rate for hospitalization expenses covered by relevant policies has been raised to around 70%, and the range of reimbursable expenses has been expanded to include outpatient expenses. Real-time reimbursement has been adopted for medical expenses, making it more convenient for people to have their medical costs settled. Reform has been carried out in respect of the forms of payment to include payment by person, payment by disease and total amount pre-payment, enabling medical insurance to play a better restrictive role over medical institutions as well as to control expenses and compel the medical institutions to improve their efficiency. Critical illness insurance has been included in the new type of rural cooperative medical care system. By 2011, some 230,000 patients of congenital heart disease, advanced rental diseases, breast cancer, cervical cancer, multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and childhood leukemia had been granted subsidies for major and serious diseases, with the actual subsidies accounting for 65% of their total expenses. In 2012, lung cancer, esophagus cancer, gastric cancer and eight other major diseases were included in the rural pilot program of insurance for the treatment of major diseases, and the reimbursement rate reached as high as 90%. Critical illness insurance has been introduced for both urban and rural residents, in which certain amounts of money are earmarked in the medical insurance fund for non-working urban residents and that of the new type of rural cooperative medical care to buy critical illness insurance policies from commercial insurance companies, aiming to relieve urban and rural families of the heavy burden of catastrophic medical spending. The policy of subsidy for critical illness insurance, which covers no less than 50% of the actual medical costs, provides a guarantee for the compliance costs to be shouldered by the individual after reimbursement from the basic medical insurance. This has effectively reduced the financial burden of individuals. An urban-rural medical assistance system has been established and improved, which at first covered urban and rural subsistence allowance recipients and childless and infirm rural residents who receive the so-called "five guarantees," and is now extended to cover those who are severely ill and have low comes, the severely disabled, senior citizens from low-income families, and some other groups with special difficulties. In 2011, the urban-rural medical assistance was granted to 80.90 million cases across the country.
——基本药物制度从无到有。初步形成了基本药物遴选、生产供应、使用和医疗保险报销的体系。2011年,基本药物制度实现基层全覆盖,所有政府办基层医疗卫生机构全部配备使用基本药物,并实行零差率销售,取消了以药补医机制。制定国家基本药物临床应用指南和处方集,规范基层用药行为,促进合理用药。建立基本药物采购新机制,基本药物实行以省为单位集中采购,基层医疗卫生机构基本药物销售价格比改革前平均下降了30%。基本药物全部纳入基本医疗保障药品报销目录。有序推进基本药物制度向村卫生室和非政府办基层医疗卫生机构延伸。药品生产流通领域改革步伐加快,药品供应保障水平进一步提高。 A basic system of drugs has been developed from scratch. A system for the selection, production, supply and use of basic drugs, and cover of them in medical insurance has been put into place. In 2011, the coverage of this system was extended to all grass-roots medical and health-care institutions run by the government, where these drugs were sold at zero profit, practically eliminating the practice of hospitals subsidizing their medical services with drug sales. A national guideline for the clinical application of basic drugs and a formulary have been drawn up to ensure that basic drugs are used according to due procedures at grass-roots medical institutions. A new mechanism has been established for the procurement of basic drugs, under which the basic drugs are to be purchased by provinces. As a result, the prices of basic drugs at grass-roots medical and healthcare institutions have dropped by 30% on average, as compared with those before the reform. The basic drugs have all been included in the list of reimbursable drugs covered by basic medical insurance. Also, efforts have been made to supply basic drugs in an orderly way to village clinics and non-governmental medical institutions at the grass-roots level. The steps of reform have been quickened in drug production and circulation, and the supply of drugs has been better ensured.
——城乡基层医疗卫生服务体系进一步健全。加大政府投入,完善基层医疗卫生机构经费保障机制,2009—2011年,中央财政投资471.5亿元人民币支持基层医疗机构建设发展。采取多种形式加强基层卫生人才队伍建设,制定优惠政策,为农村和社区培养、培训、引进卫生人才。建立全科医生制度,开展全科医生规范化培养,安排基层医疗卫生机构人员参加全科医生转岗培训,组织实施中西部地区农村订单定向医学生免费培养等。实施万名医师支援农村卫生工程,2009—2011年,1100余家城市三级医院支援了955个县级医院,中西部地区城市二级以上医疗卫生机构每年支援3600多所乡镇卫生院,提高了县级医院和乡镇卫生院医疗技术水平和管理能力。转变基层医疗服务模式,在乡镇卫生院开展巡回医疗服务,在市辖区推行社区全科医生团队、家庭签约医生制度,实行防治结合,保障居民看病就医的基本需求,使常见病、多发病等绝大多数疾病的诊疗在基层可以得到解决。经过努力,基层医疗卫生服务体系不断强化,农村和偏远地区医疗服务设施落后、服务能力薄弱的状况明显改变,基层卫生人才队伍的数量、学历、知识结构出现向好趋势。2011年,全国基层医疗卫生机构达到91.8万个,包括社区卫生服务机构2.6万个、乡镇卫生院3.8万所、村卫生室66.3万个,床位123.4万张。 Urban and rural grass-roots level medical and health services have been further improved. The government has invested more to ensure the funding for grass-roots medical and healthcare institutions. From 2009 to 2011, the central government invested 47.15 billion yuan to support the building and development of grass-roots level medical institutions. Diverse forms have been adopted to strengthen the ranks of healthcare workers at the grass-roots level, and preferential policies have been made to train and introduce competent personnel for rural and community healthcare. A system of general practitioners (medical workers with sufficient knowledge in all branches of medicine) has been established, under which general practitioners are trained in the regular way; grass-roots medical and healthcare workers are enrolled in training courses for upgrading them to general practitioners; and medical students are specially trained for the needs of central and western urban areas, for which they do not have to pay their tuition fees. A project, known as "ten thousand doctors extending support to rural medical care," has been launched. From 2009 to 2011, over 1,100 Grade-III urban hospitals extended support to 955 rural county-level hospitals every year, and urban medical institutions above Grade II in central and western China granted aid to over 3,600 township hospitals every year, thus helping improve the overall technological level and management of the county and township hospitals. Meanwhile, the mode of medical services has been changed. Touring medical services have been provided in township hospitals; and in the urban districts ranks of general practitioners have been formed and a system of family doctors has been set up. Prevention has been combined with the treatment, measures have been taken to ensure basic needs of the residents to see doctors and make it possible that the diagnosis and treatment of most commonly seen and frequently occurring diseases are performed at the community level. After years of effort, community-level medical and healthcare system has been strengthened; marked changes have taken place to the situation of backward facilities and poor services in rural and remote areas; community-level medical workers have increased in number, and their educational background and knowledge have improved. In 2011, the number of grass-roots medical and healthcare institutions across the country reached 918,000, including 26,000 urban community service centers, 38,000 township hospitals and 663,000 village clinics, and the number of hospital beds reached 1,234,000.
——基本公共卫生服务均等化水平明显提高。国家免费向全体居民提供国家基本公共卫生服务包,包括建立居民健康档案、健康教育、预防接种、0—6岁儿童健康管理、孕产妇健康管理、老年人健康管理、高血压和II型糖尿病患者健康管理、重性精神疾病患者管理、传染病及突发公共卫生事件报告和处理、卫生监督协管等10类41项服务。针对特殊疾病、重点人群和特殊地区,国家实施重大公共卫生服务项目,对农村孕产妇住院分娩补助、15岁以下人群补种乙肝疫苗、消除燃煤型氟中毒危害、农村妇女孕前和孕早期补服叶酸、无害化卫生厕所建设、贫困白内障患者复明、农村适龄妇女宫颈癌和乳腺癌检查、预防艾滋病母婴传播等,由政府组织进行直接干预。2011年,国家免疫规划疫苗接种率总体达到90%以上,全国住院分娩率达到98.7%,其中农村住院分娩率达到98.1%,农村孕产妇死亡率呈逐步下降趋势(见图7)。农村自来水普及率和卫生厕所普及率分别达到72.1%和69.2%。2009年启动“百万贫困白内障患者复明工程”,截至2011年,由政府提供补助为109万多名贫困白内障患者实施了复明手术。 Access to basic public health services has become more equitable. The state provides all residents with a free package of 41 basic public health services in ten categories, including health record, health education, preventive inoculation, healthcare for children under six, healthcare for pregnant and lying-in women, healthcare for elderly people, treatment for hypertension and type II diabetes patients, healthcare for severe psychosis patients, reporting and handling of infectious diseases and public health emergencies, and healthcare supervision and coordination. Targeting special diseases, key groups and special areas, the state has launched key public health service programs, including subsidizing rural pregnant women for hospitalized childbirth, re-vaccinating people under 15 against hepatitis B, eliminating fluorosis caused by coal burning, supplementary taking of folic acid by rural women before pregnancy and in the early stage of pregnancy, building sanitary toilets, cataract removal for poor patients, cervical and breast cancer tests for rural women within eligible age, and preventing mother-to-child transmission of AIDS. In 2011, the inoculation rate of the National Immunization Program (NIP) exceeded 90%; the rate of hospitalized childbirth nationwide reached 98.7% (98.1% in rural areas); and the maternity mortality rate in rural areas kept going down. In the rural areas, 72.1% of the population had access to tap water and 69.2% had access to sanitary toilets. In 2009, the government launched a program to provide cataract operations for a million poor patients, and by 2011 more than 1.09 million such people had had such operations with government subsidies.
——公立医院改革有序推进。从2010年起,在17个国家联系试点城市和37个省级试点地区开展公立医院改革试点,在完善服务体系、创新体制机制、加强内部管理、加快形成多元化办医格局等方面取得积极进展。2012年,全面启动县级公立医院综合改革试点工作,以县级医院为龙头,带动农村医疗卫生服务体系能力提升,力争使县域内就诊率提高到90%左右,目前已有18个省(自治区、直辖市)的600多个县参与试点。完善医疗服务体系,优化资源配置,加强薄弱区域和薄弱领域能力建设。区域医学中心临床重点专科和县级医院服务能力提升,公立医院与基层医疗卫生机构之间的分工协作机制正在探索形成。多元化办医格局加快推进,鼓励和引导社会资本举办营利性和非营利医疗机构。截至2011年,全国社会资本共举办医疗机构16.5万个,其中民营医院8437个,占全国医院总数的38%。在全国普遍推行预约诊疗、分时段就诊、优质护理等便民惠民措施。医药费用过快上涨的势头得到控制,按可比价格计算,在过去三年间,公立医院门诊次均医药费用和住院人均医药费用增长率逐年下降,2011年比2009年均下降了8个百分点,公立医院费用控制初见成效。 The reform of public hospitals has been carried on in an orderly way. In 2010, the Chinese government started pilot reforms of public hospitals in 17 state-designated cities and 37 province-level districts; and positive progress has been witnessed in improving services, innovating institutions and mechanisms, strengthening internal management and speeding up the creation of a situation in which hospitals are established and run in diversified forms. In 2012, the government launched a pilot comprehensive reform of county-level public hospitals, aiming to improve rural system of medical services with the county hospitals playing the leading role, and enabling 90% of the population in a county to see doctors. So far, over 600 counties in 18 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government have been included in this reform. The government has worked hard to improve medical services, optimize the allocation of medical resources, and enhance the medical capabilities of weak areas and weak fields. The capabilities of key clinical specialties in regional medical centers and county-level hospitals to deliver medical services have been enhanced, and the mechanism of division of responsibilities and cooperation between public hospitals and community-level medical institutions is being studied and formed. The government has intensified efforts in the creation of a situation of establishing and running hospitals in diversified forms, encouraging and guiding non-governmental funds to establish both for-profit and non-profit medical institutions. By 2011, there were 165,000 medical institutions established with non-governmental investment, including 8,437 private hospitals, accounting for 38% of the national total. Doctor-appointment service, time-phased outpatient service and high-quality nursing service that bring benefits and convenience to the people have been introduced nationwide. The fast price growth of medicine has been contained. In comparable prices, the growth rates of average outpatient and inpatient costs in public hospitals has decreased year by year in the past three years, and that of 2011 went down by eight percentage points from that of 2009, reaping initial results in expense control for public hospitals.
新一轮医改给中国城乡居民带来了很大实惠。基本公共卫生服务的公平性显著提高,城乡和地区间卫生发展差距逐步缩小,农村和偏远地区医疗服务设施落后、服务能力薄弱的状况明显改善,公众反映较为强烈的“看病难”、“看病贵”的问题得到缓解,“因病致贫”、“因病返贫”的现象逐步减少。 The new round of medical reform has brought substantial benefits to both urban and rural residents. Access to basic public health services has become much more equitable; the gap between urban and rural areas and between regions has been narrowed in medical development; medical services in rural and remote areas with backward facilities and weak capabilities have been remarkably improved; medical services have become more affordable and accessible; and fewer and fewer people are becoming poor or return to poverty because of illness.
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