Full text: China-EU 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2013-11-26
中欧经贸关系是世界上规模最大、最具活力的经贸关系之一。双向贸易和投资成为促进中欧各自经济发展和创新的主要动力。中欧都肩负着继续拉动世界经济增长,实现共同繁荣的重要责任。双方致力于塑造发展创新、增长联动、利益融合的世界经济,坚定维护和发展开放型世界经济。为此,中欧决心本着互利的精神,进一步深化面向2020年的贸易与投资关系,促进开放、透明的市场和公平的竞争环境。特别重视为中小企业提供更多机会。 China and the EU enjoy one of the world's biggest and most dynamic trading relationships. Their trade and investment exchanges have become a major engine driving their respective economic development and innovation. Both sides share responsibility for ensuring that their economies remain key drivers for global economic growth and providing prosperity for all. They are committed to building a world economy where all countries enjoy development and innovation, interconnected growth, interests converging, and firmly safeguarding and developing an open world economy. In that perspective, they are determined to enhance further their trade and investment relationship towards 2020 in a spirit of mutual benefit, by promoting open, transparent markets and a level-playing field. Particular importance will be paid to improving opportunities for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs).
主要倡议: Key initiatives:
(一)贸易与投资 I. Trade and investment
1. 重申年度经贸高层对话作为规划和指引中欧经贸关系发展和对重要的贸易、投资和经济问题进行战略决策的主要平台的作用。 1. Reaffirm the importance of the annual High-Level Economic and Trade Dialogue as an essential forum for planning and guiding the development of China-EU economic and trade relations as well as taking strategic decisions on important trade, investment and economic issues.
2. 商谈并达成一份全面的中欧投资协定,涵盖双方各自关心的问题,包括投资保护和市场准入。中欧投资协定有助于逐步提升投资自由化水平并为双方投资者进入各自市场消除投资限制,通过确保双方长期可预见性的市场准入,为双方投资者提供更为简单、安全的法律环境,并为投资者及其投资提供有力保护。这一涵盖所有欧盟成员国的全面投资协定将取代中国与欧盟成员国之间现有的双边投资协定。 2. Negotiate and conclude a comprehensive China-EU Investment Agreement that covers issues of interest to either side, including investment protection and market access. The China-EU Investment Agreement will provide for progressive liberalisation of investment and the elimination of restrictions for investors to each other's market. It will provide a simpler and more secure legal framework to investors of both sides by securing predictable long-term access to EU and Chinese markets respectively and providing for strong protection to investors and their investments. It should replace the existing bilateral investment treaties between China and EU Member States with one single comprehensive agreement covering all EU Member States.
3. 商谈并完成这一全面的中欧投资协定将传递双方致力于加强合作并实现更远大雄心的愿景,包括从长远看,在条件成熟时签订全面深入的自贸协定。 3. Negotiating and concluding such a comprehensive China-EU Investment Agreement will convey both sides' joint commitment towards stronger cooperation as well as their willingness to envisage broader ambitions including, once the conditions are right, towards a deep and comprehensive FTA, as a longer term perspective.
4. 努力为中欧贸易持续高速健康增长创造条件。 4. Strive to create the conditions for continued high and sound growth in China-EU trade.
5. 加强政府采购政策交流,促进中国加快完成加入世界贸易组织《政府采购协议》谈判进程。 5. Increase exchanges on public procurement policies in order to accelerate and complete the process leading to China's accession to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement.
6. 加强在多边层面,特别是二十国集团和世界贸易组织,在全球经济治理问题上的协调。推动多哈回合谈判。中欧将努力推动世贸组织成员在世贸组织第九届部长级会议上就贸易便利化、部分农业议题和发展议题达成一致,并在此基础上,为未来谈判制定路线图。为此,双方将努力就《信息技术协定》扩围谈判达成一致。双方致力于全面完成多哈回合谈判。 6. Step-up coordination at the multilateral level, notably on global governance issues dealt with by the G20 and WTO, pushing forward the Doha round of negotiations. China and the EU will strive to get WTO members to reach agreement on trade facilitation and some agriculture and development-related subjects at the 9th WTO Ministerial Conference and, on this basis, lay out a roadmap for further negotiation. In this context, they will strive to reach an agreement on the review of the ITA. Both parties are dedicated to the full conclusion of the Doha round of negotiations.
7. 充分利用现有双边机制加强沟通,优先采取对话和磋商,必要时通过谈判,处理重大双边贸易摩擦,以找到互利的解决办法。 7. Make full use of the existing bilateral mechanisms to strengthen communication, handle major bilateral trade frictions through dialogue and consultation as a preferred option, and, if needed, through negotiations, with an objective of finding mutually beneficial solutions.
8. 双方认识到,应按照世贸组织规则开展贸易救济调查和采取贸易救济措施,防止滥用。双方致力于以公正、客观和透明的方式进行反倾销反补贴调查。 8. Both sides recognise that it is critical to follow WTO rules when undertaking trade remedy investigations or imposing trade remedy measures, to prevent their abuse. Commit to administer anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations in a fair, objective and transparent manner.
9. 推动中国和欧洲投资银行的互利务实合作。 9. Promote practical win-win cooperation between China and the European Investment Bank.
10. 欧盟注意到中方有意探讨与欧洲复兴开发银行加强合作的方式,以支持对欧洲国家的投资。 10. The EU takes note of China's intention to explore options for closer cooperation with the EBRD, in order to support investment in European countries.
11. 确认中欧联合海关合作委员会在加强双方海关合作中的领导和协调作用,签署新的《中欧海关2014-2017年合作战略框架》,重点加强双方在知识产权边境执法、供应链安全、打击商业瞒骗、贸易便利化和外贸统计等方面的合作。 11. Confirm the leadership and coordination role of the China-EU Joint Customs Cooperation Committee (JCCC) in strengthening China-EU Customs cooperation; sign a new Strategic Framework for China-EU Customs Cooperation for 2014-2017, with special focus on border enforcement of IPR, supply chain security, anti-fraud and trade facilitation and external trade statistics.
12. 深化知识产权对话机制,充分利用新的技术合作项目,加强在打击造假和盗版方面的合作。 12. Reinforce the Intellectual Property Dialogue mechanism so as to strengthen cooperation for combatting counterfeiting and piracy as well as make full use of the new technical cooperation programme in that regard.
13. 双方致力于推动国际标准化发展,将相互通报涉及市场准入的限制标准。同时致力于进一步发挥现有中欧标准化信息平台的作用,相互通报标准对各自市场准入的影响,鼓励产业参与标准化进程。双方将在中欧世贸项目框架下,探讨如何继续开展中欧标准化专家培训项目。 13. Confirm their commitment towards international standardisation and notification of any standards-restricting market access. Both sides will commit to enhance the use of the existing China-Europe Standardisation Information Platform, informing about the role of standards regarding market access in China and Europe, and to encourage industry participation in the standardisation process. Both sides will explore how to continue training of China-EU standardisation experts within the EU-CTP framework.
14. 保障金融市场稳定,同时发挥近期达成的中欧双边本币互换安排作为流动性支持工具的作用,保障欧元区银行人民币的持续供应,促进人民币在跨境贸易和投资中的使用,促进中欧贸易和投资便利化,维护金融稳定。 14. Ensure the stability of financial markets, also through the recently established Chinese Yuan/Euro Bilateral Currency Swap Arrangement between the People's Bank of China and the European Central Bank, which is to serve as a backstop liquidity facility reassuring Euro area banks of the continuous provision of Chinese Yuan, increase the use of RMB in cross-border trade and investment, promote China-EU trade and investment facilitation and maintain financial stability.
15. 探索金融合作创新模式,改善企业特别是中小企业融资,充分发挥金融机构多元化金融服务优势。 15. Explore innovative modes of financial cooperation to improve access to finance for enterprises, in particular SMEs, and make full use of the advantage of financial institutions in providing diverse financial services.
16. 开展在电子商务领域,尤其是在多角度监管方面的最佳实践交流。 16. Exchange best practices in the area of e-commerce, in particular with regard to its regulatory aspects from different angles.
17. 力争缔结一项全面的地理标志协议,在地理标志保护与监管、打击假冒地理标志保护产品方面加强合作,共同开展地理标志产品保护与经贸协调发展促进行动。 17. Strive to conclude their negotiations for a comprehensive agreement on Geographical Indications (GI), strengthen cooperation in the field of GI protection and supervision and combating counterfeiting in GI protected products, while jointly promoting coordinated development between GI products protection on the one hand and economy and trade on the other.
18. 继续加强在非食品类消费品安全领域的合作,包括发挥中欧非食品类消费品预警通报系统的作用。加强在产品风险评估、风险管理和市场监测方面的合作,为简化合格评定程序提供支持。 18. Continue and strengthen cooperation in the consumer non-food product safety area, including the functioning of the RAPEX China system. Intensify cooperation on product risk assessment, risk management and market surveillance to support the simplification of conformity assessment procedures.
19. 致力于与二十国集团成员国就采用经济合作与发展组织制定的税务领域《自动情报交换统一标准》达成一致。 19. Commit to reach an agreement on the adoption of the Global Standard on Automatic Exchange of Information being developed by the OECD, together with G20 countries in the area of taxation.
(二)工业和信息化 II. Industry and information
1. 加强中欧工业对话磋商机制,加强政策交流,便利工业产品贸易,特别是汽车、工业能效、原材料、造船、中小企业等领域。 1. Enhance the China-EU Industrial Dialogue and Consultation Mechanism, strengthen policy exchanges to facilitate industrial products trade, particularly in the fields of automobile industry, industrial energy efficiency, raw materials, ship building and small and medium sized enterprises.
2. 加强中欧信息技术、电信和信息化对话机制,开展相关战略、政策、法规的交流与对话。 2. Reinforce the China-EU Dialogue on Information Technology, Telecommunication and Informatisation, conduct exchanges and dialogues on related strategies, policies and regulations.
(三)农业 III. Agriculture
1. 依托年度中欧农业对话机制,充分发挥《中欧农业与农村发展合作规划纲要》的作用,在农业可持续生产、有机农业、农村发展和农业科研等领域加强合作。 1. Make full use of the China-EU Cooperation Plan in Agriculture and Rural Development under the auspices of the annual bilateral Agricultural Dialogue to enhance cooperation in the fields of sustainable agricultural production, organic agriculture, rural development and agricultural research.
2. 在保障粮食和食品安全、城乡统筹发展、建立环境友好型农业模式、保障农产品质量安全等领域设计具体合作项目。加强食品安全方面的合作,保护消费者健康。认识到食品安全对消费者健康、健全的食品市场、经济发展和社会福利起着关键作用,突出中欧在食品安全方面持续且富有成果的合作,强调风险分析应是建立任何形式的食品安全政策、法规及规定的基础。 2. Design concrete projects in ensuring food security and safety, coordinating urban and rural development, building environmentally-friendly agricultural systems while ensuring quality and safety of agricultural products. With regard to food safety, intensify cooperation with the objective to protect consumer health, recognising the importance of food safety as a key element for consumer health, sound food markets, economic development and social welfare, highlighting the continuous and already fruitful cooperation between China and the EU on food safety, and underlining that risk analysis should form the foundation of any food safety policy, laws and regulations.
3. 为在互利共赢的基础上深化食品、农业和生物技术领域的科研创新合作,中欧将密切合作,依托各自现有的科研创新项目,制定符合双方利益的联合行动倡议,如联合提出建议,开展对口交流,设立联合实验室,开展研究人员交流和学术研讨会等。 3. With the view to enhance win-win research and innovation cooperation in the field of food, agriculture and biotechnology, China and the EU will collaborate closely using their respective research and innovation programmes to develop joint initiatives of common interest, including potential joint calls for proposals, twinning activities, joint labs, researchers' exchanges and seminars.
4. 加强渔业管理合作,打击非法捕捞。 4. Enhance cooperation on fisheries management and the fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing.
(四)交通和基础设施 IV. Transport and infrastructure
1. 尽早执行中国民用航空局与欧盟委员会交通运输总司于2013年8月23日共同签署的民航合作意向书。 1. Implement, as early as possible, the Letter of Intent on cooperation in the field of civil aviation between CAAC and DG MOVE signed on 23 August 2013.
2. 加强在智能、高端和互联互通的基础设施网络方面的合作。扩大在亚欧供应链物流网络兼容、海上运输市场和航线、铁路服务、物流、交通安全、能源效率方面的合作。 2. Strengthen cooperation in developing smart, upgraded and fully interconnected infrastructure systems. Expand cooperation in interoperability of seamless supply chain logistics networks between Asia and Europe, maritime markets and routes, rail services, logistics, safety, and energy efficiency.
3. 积极探讨中欧开展基础设施建设合作的方式,如项目债券、项目持股、联合承包和联合融资等,进一步统筹中国与欧盟及其成员国在上述领域的合作。 3. Actively explore models of infrastructure cooperation, including project bonds, project shareholding, joint contracting and co-financing, and further coordinate the cooperation among China, the EU and its Member States in the above-mentioned fields.

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