Full text: The 22nd APEC Economic Leaders' Declaration

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2014-11-21

附件三 Annex C
亚太经合组织经济创新发展、改革与增长共识 APEC Accord on Innovative Development, Economic Reform and Growth
1. 当前,世界经济呈现温和增长态势,但复苏并不均衡,需求依然较弱,下行风险犹存。国际金融危机深层次影响尚未消除,贸易和投资保护主义却在上升。长期而言,为实现全球经济强劲、可持续、平衡和包容增长,我们亟需提振需求,通过创新发展和经济改革寻求增长新动力。 1. The world economy is growing at a moderate pace, with uneven recovery, weak demand and the balance of risks on the downside. Some of the legacies of the international financial crisis are still with us, and trade and investment protectionism is on the rise. To achieve strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth over the longer term, we need to boost demand and identify new sources of growth through innovative development and structural reform.
2. 亚太地区要继续引领世界经济增长,就应坚持创新驱动,寻求增长新动力,保持经济发展强劲势头。 2. For the Asia-Pacific region to steer the world economy, member economies should remain innovation driven and maintain strong momentum for economic growth by pressing forward with innovations and identifying new sources of growth.
3. 改革是推动经济增长和创新发展的重要驱动力。深化改革有利于破除可持续发展的障碍,让市场在资源配置中起决定性作用和更好发挥政府作用,为经济增长创造良好环境,全面释放发展潜力。 3. Reform is an important factor in promoting economic growth and innovative development. Deepening reform eliminates barriers to sustainable economic growth, allows the market to play a decisive role in allocating resources, improves the role of government, creates a conducive growth environment, and unleashes the full potential of productivity.
4. 为此,我们认为亚太地区应继续深化经济改革,坚持创新发展,围绕经济改革、新经济、创新增长、包容性支持和城镇化五大支柱开展合作。我们达成以下共识: 4. To this end, we believe that the Asia-Pacific region should continue to deepen structural reform, strengthen innovative growth, and promote closer cooperation in five pillars: Economic Reform, New Economy, Innovative Growth, Inclusive Support, and Urbanization. In this regard, we have reached consensus as follows:
5. 我们同意2015年召开亚太经合组织结构改革部长级会议,推进亚太经合组织经济改革议程,评估亚太经合组织结构改革新战略落实情况,研究新战略2015年到期后相关领域工作方向,探讨跨越“中等收入陷阱”问题,考虑将《商业便利化规划》延展至2020年。 5. Under the pillar of Economic Reform, we agree to convene a Ministerial Meeting on Structural Reform in 2015, with the objective of advancing APEC's economic reform agenda, including the review of the implementation of the APEC New Strategy on Structural Reform (ANSSR), setting the future direction of APEC structural reform work post-ANSSR, discussing how to overcome the Middle-Income Trap, and considering continuation of the Ease of Doing Business Program until 2020.
6. 我们积极鼓励各成员就经济政策、规制一致性和良好规制实践加强沟通交流和能力建设,支持各成员就促进创新、改革与增长交流经验、分享最佳实践。我们同意将跨越“中等收入陷阱”议题纳入亚太经合组织经济委员会工作范畴,深入推进相关讨论与合作。 6. We resolve to encourage communication, information exchanges, and capacity building on economic policy, regulatory coherence, and good regulatory practices, and we support members' efforts to share experiences and best practices in innovation, reform, and fostering growth. We agree to incorporate the topic of overcoming the Middle-Income Trap in the work program of the Economic Committee (EC) for in-depth discussion and cooperation.
7. 我们将推动经济转型,挖掘互联网经济、蓝色经济和绿色经济等新领域增长潜力。 7. Under the New Economy pillar, we will promote economic transformation, and tap into the growth potential of emerging sectors, such as the Internet Economy, the Blue Economy, and the Green Economy.
8. 我们支持互联网经济发展合作,欢迎设立互联网经济特设指导小组讨论相关问题,提出行动倡议,并鼓励亚太经合组织机制间协作。我们同意推动能力建设,鼓励创业和创新。 8. We support cooperation in promoting the Internet Economy and welcome an Ad Hoc Steering Group to discuss issues arising from the Internet Economy, propose actions, and encourage collaboration across APEC fora. We agree to facilitate capacity building and encourage entrepreneurship and innovation.
9. 我们将发挥互联网经济杠杆作用,为弱势群体特别是妇女、青年、残疾人以及贫困人群参与经济活动创造有利环境。我们支持互联网金融健康发展,建立合作政策框架,为经济增长服务。我们致力于建立开放包容的互联网经济环境,为中小企业和个人提供安全、高效、低成本和普惠融资服务,分享互联网经济红利。我们致力于开发物联网潜力,服务经济发展。 9. We will leverage the Internet Economy to foster an enabling environment for empowering vulnerable and disadvantaged groups especially women, youth, people with disabilities, and the poor. We support the healthy development of internet finance and we will work together to develop the necessary framework for it to become a tool of growth. We commit to promote secure, efficient, low-cost and inclusive financial services to enable SMEs and individuals to share the benefits of economic development, with a view to building an open and cooperative environment for the Internet Economy. We are committed to promoting the potential benefits of the Internet of Things (IOT) to our economies.
10. 我们致力于加强亚太地区海洋合作,建立更加全面、可持续、包容和互利的伙伴关系。我们支持各成员重点在下列领域开展合作:海洋生态环境保护与防灾减灾,海洋在粮食安全及相关贸易中的作用,海洋科技与创新,蓝色经济。我们确认《亚太经合组织海洋部长会议厦门宣言》关于蓝色经济的表述,即蓝色经济是促进经济增长、推动海洋及海岸带资源和生态系统可持续管理和保护、实现可持续发展的一种有效途径。我们呼吁加强亚太地区蓝色经济合作,鼓励落实相关倡议。 10. We will work towards a more integrated, sustainable, inclusive and mutually favorable partnership through ocean-related cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. We support cooperation on: coastal and marine ecosystem conservation, disaster resilience; ocean-related food security and associated trade; marine science, technology and innovation, and the Blue Economy. We acknowledge the Xiamen Declaration's statement on the Blue Economy, which is, for the purposes of APEC, an approach to advance sustainable management and conservation of ocean and coastal resources and ecosystems and sustainable development, in order to foster economic growth. We call for cooperation on the Blue Economy and encourage the implementation of related initiatives in the Asia-Pacific region.
11. 为应对能源和环境领域的重要问题,我们将致力于开展可再生能源、节能、绿色建筑标准、矿业可持续发展、循环经济等领域合作,强化节约和保护,促进绿色、节能、低碳发展,寻找经济增长新动力。为保护林业资源,我们将特别注意打击非法采伐和相关贸易,同时为合法林产品贸易创造有利环境。我们欢迎《亚太经合组织绿色发展高层圆桌会声明》。 11. In response to important energy and environmental issues, we will work to strengthen conservation efforts, and commit to cooperate on renewable energy, energy saving, green building standards, sustainable development of mining, and circular economy, among others, in pursuit of green, energy efficient, low-carbon development and of new economic growth sources. To protect our forestry resources, we will pay special attention to fighting illegal logging and associated trade, while promoting trade in legally harvested forest products. We welcome the statement of the APEC High-level Roundtable on Green Development.
12. 我们欢迎《2014年亚太经合组织矿业部长会议联合声明》。我们注意到亚太经合组织成立矿业子基金,落实亚太经合组织矿业十项原则,支持促进公私合作的能力建设项目。 12. We welcome the joint statement of the 2014 APEC Ministers Responsible for Mining. We note the establishment of a mining sub-fund to take forward the 10 APEC Mining Policy Principles with an emphasis on supporting capacity building projects involving collaboration between the public and private sectors.
13. 我们倡导开放、包容、合作和可持续的亚太能源安全观。我们一致认识到提高能效和推广清洁和可再生能源的重要性。我们期待实现到2030年本地区可再生能源及其发电量在地区能源结构中的比重比2010年翻番的目标。我们鼓励经济体为本地区天然气和液化天然气贸易和投资创造有利条件,包括放松目的地条款限制。 13. We are committed to championing an Asia-Pacific concept of energy security featuring openness, inclusiveness, cooperation and sustainability. We share the importance of improving energy efficiency and promoting clean and renewable energy in the APEC region. We aspire to the goal of doubling the share of renewables in the APEC energy mix, including in power generation, from 2010 levels by 2030. We encourage member economies to create favorable conditions for natural gas and LNG trade and investment in the region, including by relaxing destination clauses.
14. 鉴于化石能源将继续在本地区中长期能源结构中扮演重要角色,我们重申清洁和高效利用化石能源的重大意义。如成员经济体短期内难以实现对煤燃料的替代,我们鼓励这些经济体加强在清洁煤技术开发和利用方面的合作,如扩大高效燃煤电厂建设,推广碳捕获利用与封存技术。我们支持感兴趣的经济体安全高效发展核电,并作为基本能源来源之一。 14. Since fossil fuel will continue to play significant role in the energy mix of this region in the medium to long term, we reaffirm the importance of clean and efficient use of fossil fuel. We encourage member economies, where there are difficulties to quickly deploying alternatives to coal, to enhance cooperation in developing and applying clean coal technologies such as highly efficient coal-fired power plants and Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS). We support the safe and efficient development of nuclear power, which functions as a base load power source, in interested economies.
15. 我们重申到2035年本地区总能源强度比2005年降低45%的目标,规范和逐步取消低效和鼓励浪费的化石燃料补贴,同时注意向有需求的人群提供基本的能源服务。我们欢迎成立亚太经合组织可持续能源中心,推广可持续能源发展先进理念和模式。 15. We reaffirm our commitments to reduce energy intensity by 45 percent from 2005 levels by 2035 and to rationalize and phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption, while recognizing the importance of providing those in need with essential energy services. We welcome the establishment of the APEC Sustainable Energy Center, to promote advanced ideas and models of sustainable energy development across the region.
16. 我们将推动科学创新,促进相互同意基础上的自愿技术转让、推广和商业化,强化知识产权的利用、商业化和有效保护,同时重申全面和平衡的知识产权体系的重要性,分享经验和知识,培养创新人才,加强创新能力建设,改善创新环境,追求可持续创新发展。 16. Under the Innovative Growth pillar, we will promote cooperation in science and innovation; facilitate voluntary transfer, dissemination and commercialization of technology on mutually agreed terms; promote the use and commercialization of intellectual property and ensure IPR protection and enforcement, while reiterating the importance of comprehensive and balanced intellectual property systems; share experience and knowledge; cultivate talents for innovation; strengthen innovation capacity; improve the environment for innovation; and pursue sustainable development.
17. 我们欢迎《亚太经合组织跨境电子商务创新和发展倡议》。我们欢迎各成员营造有利的政策环境,推动新兴电子商务技术创新,以驱动贸易和经济增长,并实现良好社会效益。 17. We welcome the APEC Cross-Border e-Commerce Innovation and Development Initiative. We welcome efforts to create a policy environment that enables new and emerging e-Commerce technologies that drive trade, economic growth and societal benefit.
18. 我们支持各成员通过财政和金融政策及其他措施促进企业创新行为。 18. We support members' efforts to promote entrepreneurial innovation through fiscal and financial policy measures and other means.
19. 我们鼓励各成员强化对中小企业创新活动的扶持,支持成立亚太经合组织中小企业创新最佳实践数据库。我们鼓励成员改善中小企业创新的融资环境。我们欢迎中国开展建立亚太经合组织中小企业信息化促进中心的可行性研究。我们鼓励亚太经合组织框架下各类中小企业服务平台发挥好支持作用,如亚太经合组织中小企业服务联盟、亚太经合组织中小企业创新中心、亚太经合组织加速器网络等,提升中小企业竞争力。 19. We encourage members to strengthen support for innovative activities by SMEs, and support the establishment of an APEC SMEs database on innovative best practices. We encourage members to improve the financing environment for SME innovation. We welcome China exploring the possibility of setting up an APEC SME Center for IT Promotion. We encourage the supportive role of APEC service platforms, such as the APEC SME Service Alliance (ASSA), the APEC SME Innovation Center, and the APEC Accelerator Network (AAN), to improve the competitiveness of SMEs.
20. 我们支持各成员深化电动汽车创新和以环境友好型汽车技术促进绿色增长等领域的合作。 20. We support members' cooperation in deepening innovation in e-vehicles and in promoting green growth through environmentally-friendly automobile technologies.
21. 我们致力于加强创业、就业、卫生、粮食安全、食品安全、农业可持续发展、妇女参与经济、青年、残疾人、防灾减灾、社会责任、商业道德、反腐败和安全贸易方面合作。我们认识到拓展高质量就业和人力资源开发对创新发展的重要性,支持《亚太经合组织促进高质量就业和人员交流行动计划(2015-2018)》。 21. Under the pillar of Inclusive Support, we commit to strengthen cooperation on entrepreneurship and employment, health, food security, food safety, sustainable agricultural development, women's economic participation, youth, people with disabilities, disaster prevention and mitigation, social responsibility, business ethics, anti-corruption and secure trade. We recognize that promoting quality employment and developing human resources is of significance for innovative development. We support the APEC Action Plan for Promoting Quality Employment and Strengthening People-to-People Connectivity through Human Resources (2015 - 2018).
22. 我们鼓励各成员采取措施落实《健康亚太2020》倡议。我们致力于继续推进实现千年发展目标中卫生领域的未竟目标,同“后2015”议程相互补充;加强慢性非传染性疾病和伤害的防控;加强卫生系统建设,推进全民健康覆盖;健全亚太经合组织地区突发公共卫生事件和灾害的卫生应急准备、监测、响应及恢复体系。 22. We encourage member economies to take measures to implement the "Healthy Asia-Pacific 2020" initiative. We commit to continue to: work on the unfinished health-related Millennium Development Goals in a manner that complements the activities of the post-2015 agenda; strengthen the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases, including injuries; strengthen health systems to support Universal Health Coverage; and improve health emergency preparedness, surveillance, response and recovery systems for public health events and disasters in the APEC region.
23. 我们认识到,释放妇女参与经济潜力,对驱动经济强劲和包容性增长至关重要。我们欢迎2014年妇女与经济论坛声明,鼓励各经济体采取有效行动落实声明。我们鼓励女性利用和依托信息和通信技术创业,参与区域贸易合作,并致力于有关能力建设。 23. We recognize that unleashing the potential of women as economic drivers is vital to growth, both in terms of the magnitude and inclusiveness of that growth. We welcome the statement of 2014 APEC Women and the Economy Forum and encourage all economies to take relevant effective actions. We encourage and commit to build the capacity of women to make use of ICT to start and grow their businesses, and to engage in regional trade cooperation.
24. 我们支持各成员推动农业可持续发展、农业创新和科技,并创造良好环境,以提升农业生产力、粮食产量和供给;改进农作物收成后管理,降低粮食减损;以及加强亚太地区粮食安全和食品安全合作。 24. We support member economies' efforts to: boost agricultural productivity and food production and availability based on sustainable development, innovation, science and technology and an enabling economic environment; improve post-harvest management to reduce food loss; and, strengthen regional cooperation to promote food security and safety.
25. 我们支持建立亚太经合组织高等教育研究中心,欢迎亚太经合组织奖学金倡议。我们鼓励高官们探讨制定各种学术交流计划和机制,包括自愿实施亚太经合组织虚拟学术交流卡倡议。 25. We support the establishment of the APEC Higher Education Research Center and welcome the APEC Scholarship Initiative. We encourage officials to elaborate various academic mobility schemes and mechanisms, including voluntary implementation of the APEC Virtual Academic Mobility Card Initiative.
26. 我们着眼于通过城镇化和可持续城市发展,为经济增长寻求新的驱动力。我们支持亚太经合组织城镇化伙伴关系倡议,承诺建立亚太经合组织可持续城市合作网络。我们将通过举行论坛和政策对话会,并发挥国际友城等项目作用,推进城镇化和可持续城市发展的合作与经验交流。 26. Under the pillar of Urbanization, we seek to identify new drivers of economic growth by pursuing urbanization and sustainable city development. We support APEC partnership initiatives on urbanization and undertake to establish a cooperative network of sustainable cities in APEC economies. We will organize forums, hold policy dialogues, and utilize international sister-cities programs to promote cooperation and share experiences on urbanization and sustainable city development.
27. 我们将充分利用现有资源,推进城镇化研究和能力建设。我们鼓励各成员支持城镇化合作及城镇化相关项目,包括由成员自愿捐资成立亚太经合组织城镇化子基金。 27. We will facilitate the use of existing resources for research and capacity building on urbanization. We encourage member economies to support urbanization cooperation and urbanization-related projects, including by making voluntary contributions to establish a sub-fund within the APEC framework.
28. 我们赞赏亚太经合组织低碳示范城镇项目及其推广活动的进展。我们强调生态城市和智能城市合作项目的重要性,同意探讨实现绿色城镇化和可持续城市发展的途径。 28. We applaud progress made in the APEC Low Carbon Model Town Project and the promotion activities under it. We underscore the importance of eco-city and smart city cooperation programs, and undertake to explore pathways to green urbanization and sustainable city development.
29. 我们鼓励亚太经合组织高官会、经济委员会、贸易投资委员会、经济技术合作高官指导委员会、分论坛等机制进一步探讨城镇化相关议题。 29. We encourage further consideration of urbanization-related topics in the Senior Officials' Meetings (SOM), the EC, the Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI), the SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE) and APEC sub-fora.

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