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Qin Feng talks to the past
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Yet Qin Fen has his own approach to building upon the Chinese cultural heritage. It is an approach connecting to new aspects of contemporary life, in China and around the world.

There's no evidence of a dominant hue in Qin Feng's works. His works are comprised of many colours. His medium is ink and water. Qin explores the wide spectrum between black and white -- the plain color of the paper. He thinks that these vividly illustrate the "abstract".

Qin Feng, Artist, said, "Abstract expressionism is actually very acceptable to Chinese. It is very evident in our art of calligraphy and free hand painting, as well as the spirit of Zen and Taichi. They are all very abstract."

Born in Xinjing Uygar Autonomous Region, Qin Feng graduated from Shandong Art Institute in 1981. He experimented with the avant garde movement in China during the 1980s and early 1990s. He moved to Berlin in 1996 where he continued to experiment. His success in Europe was followed by a move to the US.

Qin is now one of the most recognizable names of world contemporary art. Over the years, he has concentrated on the study of traditional Chinese culture and Western art and put them into practice. He adopts a broad artistic approach. He uses painting, installation and sculpture to give prominence to his unique artistic ideas. Qin is a multiple international award winner. His works are on display at important international institutions all over the globe.

(CCTV May 13,2008)

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