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Boy Wins Award for Pollution Control Advice

A boy living in the suburbs of Xiamen city, in east China's Fujian Province, was recently awardeda cash prize by the local government for his constructive advice on the city's environment.

Twelve-year-old Su Junjie, a four-grader at primary school, wrote a letter to Xiamen Mayor Zhu Yayan earlier this year, in which he urged the government to curb pollution in the city.

"Please protect the environment and give us back clear blue skies," he said in the letter.

For several years, a waste treatment plant has undermined air and water quality in Su's village. Fish and snails, once abundant in a river near his home, are now extinct. Local farmers, Su's parents included, are reduced to tears as the heavily polluted fields become infertile.

"At school, we have to shut the doors and windows to fend off the stinking smoke coming from a village-run casting factory -- our next door neighbor," Su complained to the mayor.

His letter aroused widespread concerns among Xiamen officials, who visited Su's village shortly after and suggested some feasiblesolutions.

"Su loves nature and is very good at painting and calligraphy,"the boy's teacher told Xinhua in an interview.

With a small smile, Su said he would spend the 1,000 yuan (US$120) prize on his education.

"My parents won't need to worry about my school expenses this year," he said happily.

(Xinhua News Agency June 12, 2002)

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