South China tigress Guo Tai licks her newborn cub at a forest zoo in Free State province of South Africa, April 14, 2008. She gave birth to two cubs on March 30, followed by another tigress named Madonna which delivered one on April 12.

Two tiger cubs born by South China tigress Guo Tai are seen at their enclosure in a forest zoo in Free State province of South Africa, April 14, 2008. Guo Tai gave birth to two cubs on March 30, followed by another tigress named Madonna which delivered one on April 12.

A vet holds a tiger cub born on April 12 by South China tigress named Madonna at a forest zoo in Free State province of South Africa, April 14, 2008. South China Tigress Guo Tai gave birth to two cubs on March 30, followed by another tigress named Madonna which delivered one on April 12.
(Xinhua News Agency April 16, 2008)