China World Trade Center Tower put into use in Beijing

China World Trade Center Tower put into use in Beijing
0 CommentsPrint E-mail Xinhua, September 4, 2010
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The photo taken on Sept. 3, 2010 shows the view from the top floor of the skyscraper China World Trade Center Tower in Beijing, capital of China. As the tallest skyscraper in Beijing, the 330-meter-high China World Trade Center Tower was completed and put into use on Aug. 30. [Xinhua]
The photo taken on Sept. 3, 2010 shows the view from the top floor of the skyscraper China World Trade Center Tower in Beijing, capital of China. As the tallest skyscraper in Beijing, the 330-meter-high China World Trade Center Tower was completed and put into use on Aug. 30. [Xinhua]

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