Obama biography to hit shelves

0 CommentsPrint E-mail Global Times, March 15, 2010
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U.S. President Barack Obama is never far from international news headlines and now a biography of his personal life and ascendancy to the presidency is due to hit the shelves in early April, offering a fresh new perspective and multi-dimensional look at the U.S.' first African-American president.

Titled The Bridge, The Life and Rise of Barack Obama, the work, by David Remnick, is a detailed narration of Obama's childhood, schooling and his ambitions and convictions. It also includes some of Obama's private letters to his mother, providing readers with a unique insight into Obama's inner-most thoughts.

Through countless on-the-record interviews with Obama's family members, friends, teachers and the president himself, Remnick presents the story of a young man's journey from a community organizer, to a brilliant student at Harvard and his entry into politics.

Remnick is a Pulitzer Prize winner, editor of The New Yorker and author of the best-selling King of the World, a biography of boxing legend, Muhammad Ali.

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