Angelina Jolie feels lucky to be alive

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail China Daily, November 23, 2011
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Angelina Jolie admits she's very "lucky" to have not died young.

The Oscar-winning actress is famed for her wild past - including a period where she experimented with hard drugs and self-harming - and is grateful she's still alive as she knows it could have turned out much differently.

The 36-year-old beauty said: "I went through heavy, darker times and I survived them. I didn't die young, so I'm very lucky. There are other artists and people who didn't survive certain things.

"People can imagine I did the most dangerous and the worst. For many reasons, I shouldn't be here. You just think [about] those times when you came too close to too many dangerous things, too many chances taken, too far."

Angelina - who raises six children with partner Brad Pitt - admits her life has calmed down but she will always have a wild side to her personality.

She told Bob Simon on CBS' '60 Minutes': "I'm still a bad girl. I still have that side of's just in its place belongs to Brad. Or our adventures."

Angelina has always been very open about her past and has previously spoken candidly about her drug use, saying: "In the past I took just every drug possible, coke, ecstasy, heroin, everything."

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