Chris Brown released after assault charges

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail Xinhua, October 31, 2013
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The R&B singer Chris Brown was arrested early on Sunday morning after a man accused him and his bodyguard of breaking his nose outside the W Hotel.

R&B singer Chris Brown left court on Monday surrounded by security, press and fans after spending a night in jail.

He was arrested after a man accused him and his bodyguard of breaking his nose outside the W Hotel.

Prosecutors reduced an assault charge to a misdemeanor, which carries a maximum sentence of six months in jail, as a judge released Brown.

The star is due back in court on Nov. 25.

The singer's lawyer said: "Christopher Brown committed no crime."

"We understand that his security staff acted to protect Mr. Brown and Mr. Brown's property as he was authorized to do under District of Columbia law," the lawyer said, adding "We are confident that Mr. Brown will be exonerated of any wrongdoing."

Parker Adams, who is 20 years old and from Maryland, claimed he was punched by both Brown and his bodyguard before Brown boarded his tour bus.

Chris Brown is still on five years probation for attacking his ex-girlfriend Rihanna in 2009 before the Grammy Music Awards.

In January, it was claimed he was involved in a fight with singer Frank Ocean over a car parking space outside a Hollywood recording studio.

At the time, detectives said Brown was under suspicion for punching the victim but the case was dropped after Ocean decided not to press charges.

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