What is the nature of the NPC?

The People's Congress system is China's fundamental political system. The Constitution stipulates that all power in the People's Republic of China belongs to the people and the organs through which the people exercise state power are the National People's Congress and the local people's congresses. They are established through democratic elections.

What is the legislative process of the NPC?

The Presidium of the National People's Congress may introduce a bill to the National People's Congress for due consideration during its current session.

What happens at a plenary session of the NPC?

Delegation meetings usually take one of two forms, plenary meetings and group meetings.

What happens at the delegation meetings?

Delegation meetings usually take one of two forms, plenary meetings and group meetings.

What are the responsibilities of the NPC Presidium?

What are the responsibilities of the NPC Presidium?
According to the Rules of Procedure, members of the Presidium elected at the first meeting of the Presidium will take it in turns to chair the various plenary sessions of the NPC.

How does the NPC relate to other state organs?

The National People's Congress represents the highest level of state power.

What sort of body is the NPC Standing Committee?

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is the permanent arm of the NPC. It is located in offices in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The Standing Committee of the NPC is composed of the Chair, Vice Chairs, Secretary-General and members.

What role does the People's Congress system play in the life of the people of China?

The People's Congress system exists to exercise state power on behalf of the people. Its role in the life of the people of China may be outlined as follows.

What are the legitimate sphere of influence of the NPC and its Standing Committee?

The Constitution sets out the framework within which all state organs at various levels have powers to enact laws commensurate with their status and legitimate spheres of influence.

What are the supervisory mechanisms of the NPC and its Standing Committee?

The National People's Congress and its Standing Committee have established various mechanisms and procedures necessary for it to exercise its supervisory role fully and effectively.

What is the legislative process of the NPC Standing Committee?

The Meeting of the Chairmen may introduce a bill to the Standing Committee for deliberation during a current session.

What are the functions and powers of the National People's Congress?

The Constitution stipulates that the NPC is the highest organ of state power. It undertakes functions and exercises powers as follows.

Who presides over the election of deputies to the national and local people's congress?

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress presides over the election of deputies to the NPC.

Among deputies to the National People's Congress and local people's congresses, there should be an appropriate number of women and returned overseas Chinese, shouldn't there?

Among the elected deputies to the people's congresses, at all levels, there should be an appropriate ratio of elected women deputies. This proportion should be raised gradually.

How do Chinese citizens who reside abroad participate in the election?

Citizens of the People's Republic of China who reside abroad but are present during an election can participate providing they do so from their family home town or last Chinese domicile. This may take place at or below county level.
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