中国应对气候变化的政策与行动 2012年度报告
China's Policies and Actions for Addressing Climate Change (2012)

Comment(s)打印 E-mail  2012-11-22

六、积极参加国际谈判 VI. Proactive Participation in International Negotiations
中国政府高度重视全球气候变化问题,以对本国人民和全人类高度负责任的态度,积极建设性参与应对气候变化国际谈判,加强与各国在气候变化领域的多层次磋商与对话,努力推动各方就气候变化问题深化相互理解,广泛凝聚共识,为推动建立公平合理的国际气候制度作出了积极贡献。 The Chinese government attaches great importance to the issue of global climate change. With a high sense of responsibility to the Chinese people and humanity as a whole, it has proactively and constructively participated in international negotiations to address climate change, strengthened multi-level negotiations and dialogues with other countries, and strived to promote mutual understanding and consensus among all parties, making a positive contribution to building a fair and reasonable international mechanism for addressing climate change.
(一)积极参加联合国进程下的国际谈判 (I) Proactive Participation in International Negotiations within the UN Framework
中国坚持以《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《京都议定书》为基本框架的国际气候制度,积极发挥联合国框架下的气候变化国际谈判的主渠道作用,坚持公平原则、“共同但有区别及各自能力的责任”原则,坚持在可持续发展的框架下应对气候变化,坚持按照公开透明、广泛参与、缔约方主导和协商一致的原则,积极建设性参与谈判,加强与各方的沟通交流,推动气候变化国际谈判取得积极进展。 China adheres to UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol as the basic framework of international climate mechanism, gives active play to the main channel of international climate change negotiations within the UN framework, upholds the principles of fairness and "common but differentiated responsibility," addresses the issue of climate change within the framework of sustainable development, abides by the principles of openness and transparency, extensive participation, signatory leadership and consensus through consultation, proactively and constructively participates in negotiations, strengthens communication and exchanges among the various parties, and promotes international negotiations on climate change to achieve positive results.
2011年,中国继续积极参与联合国进程下的气候变化国际谈判,全面参与南非德班会议的谈判与磋商,坚持维护谈判进程的公开透明、广泛参与和协商一致,以认真、负责、开放、务实的姿态,为德班会议最终取得一揽子平衡成果、确保谈判沿正轨前进作出了重要贡献。为配合德班会议谈判,首次在联合国气候变化大会期间以中国代表团名义举办了为期9天、包含23场主题活动的“中国角”系列边会活动。在中国等广大发展中国家的努力下,德班会议继续按照巴厘路线图授权推进公约和议定书的实施,在哥本哈根会议和坎昆会议的基础上取得了重要成果。会议期间,胡锦涛主席致函祖马总统,全力支持东道国南非政府的工作。中国利用各种渠道和方式与各方开展坦诚、深入的对话与交流,力求增进理解、凝聚共识、提振信心,为会议取得积极成果发挥了积极建设性的作用。 In 2011, China continued to proactively participate in international talks on climate change within the UN Framework. It took an active part in the negotiations and consultations at the Durban Climate Change Conference in South Africa and firmly adhered to the principles of maintaining openness and transparency, extensive participation and consensus through consultation. With a conscientious, responsible, open and practical posture, China made important contributions to helping the conference achieve a balanced package of results and ensuring the climate talks proceed on track. During the Durban conference negotiations, the Chinese delegation held a nine-day Chinese Corner series of side events with 23 themed activities, the first such initiative China took during a UN Climate Change Conference. Thanks to the efforts of China and other developing countries, the Durban Conference followed the Bali Road Map, promoted the implementation of UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol and achieved important results, building on the achievements of the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference and Cancun Climate Change Conference. During the conference, Chinese president Hu Jintao sent a letter to South African President Jacob Zuma expressing wholehearted support for the host country. The Chinese delegation held open and in-depth negotiations and dialogues with all parties through various channels to promote understanding and consensus and boost confidence, making proactive and constructive contributions to the positive achievements of the conference.
(二)广泛参与相关国际对话与交流 (II) Extensive Participation in Relevant International Dialogues and Exchanges
利用高层互访和重要会议推动谈判进程。中国国家主席胡锦涛在出席金砖国家领导人会晤等重大多边外交活动中,多次发表重要讲话,推动国际社会深化合作,共同应对气候变化这一全球性挑战。温家宝总理在出席联合国可持续发展大会期间,呼吁各方按照“共同但有区别的责任原则”应对气候变化,发展绿色经济,推动可持续发展。 Promoting the process of negotiations with high-level visits and major meetings. At the meeting of the leaders of BRICS nations and on other significant multi-lateral diplomatic occasions, Chinese President Hu Jintao made important speeches to encourage the international community to deepen cooperation and jointly address the global challenge of climate change. When Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao attended the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, he called on all parties to fight climate change in accordance with the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities," develop the green economy and advance sustainable development.
积极参与气候变化谈判相关国际进程。参与联合国可持续发展大会、“经济大国能源与气候论坛”领导人代表会议、彼得斯堡气候变化部长级对话会、多哈会议部长级预备会、政府间气候变化专门委员会以及国际民航、国际海事组织会议等系列国际磋商和交流活动。中国还积极参与“全球清洁炉灶联盟”、“全球甲烷倡议”、“全球农业温室气体研究联盟”、“全球碳捕集和封存研究院”等相关国家发展期的公约外应对气候变化务实行动倡议及相关国际机制,从多方面推动公约主渠道的谈判取得进展。 Proactively participating in the international process of climate change talks. China took part in a series of international consultations and exchanges, including the United States Conference on Sustainable Development, the Leaders' Representatives Meetings of the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate, the ministerial-level dialogue meeting on climate change in St. Petersburg, the Pre-COP18 Preparatory Ministerial-Level Meeting, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and meetings of the International Civil Aviation Organization and the International Maritime Organization. China also actively participated in climate change-related initiatives and international mechanisms outside the UNFCCC, such as the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, the Global Methane Initiative, the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gas and the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute, while promoting negotiations on the UNFCCC as the main channel to make progress.
加强与各国磋商与对话。继续加强“基础四国”磋商机制,并以“基础四国+”的方式,与其他发展中国家开展对话与交流,积极维护发展中国家的利益。积极与发展中国家的智库开展联合研究,共同组织相关学术研讨,增进相互理解,推动开展气候变化科学研究、气候变化国内和国际政策对话以及技术转让、能力建设和信息共享等方面的国际合作。继续保持与美国、欧盟、澳大利亚、日本等发达国际和地区的对话磋商,增进理解,扩大共识。积极开展与发达国家相关智库的学术交流与对话。 Strengthening consultations and dialogues with other countries. China continues to strengthen consultation mechanisms among the BASIC countries and holds dialogues and communications with other developing countries by adopting the "BASIC plus" framework, and actively safeguarding the interests of developing countries. China is actively conducting joint research with think tanks in other developing countries, jointly organizing academic discussions to further mutual understanding and promoting international cooperation in scientific research on climate change, domestic and international dialogues on climate change polices as well as technology transfer, capacities building and information sharing. Meanwhile, China maintains dialogues and consultations with developed countries and regions including the United States, the European Union, Australia and Japan to promote understanding and expand common ground. China is also proactively conducting academic exchanges and dialogues with think tanks in developed countries.
(三)中国参加联合国气候变化多哈会议基本立场主张 (III) China's Basic Positions and Stand on Participation in the Doha 2012 UN Climate Change Conference
今年年底,联合国气候变化框架公约第十八次缔约方会议和京都议定书第八次缔约方会议将在卡塔尔首都多哈举行,多哈会议对于切实维护公约和议定书的基本法律框架、加强公约和议定书的实施、维护发展中国家的正当发展权益具有重要意义。今年6月,在巴西里约召开的联合国可持续发展大会上,各国领导人重申应对气候变化的基础是公约确立的公平原则、“共同但有区别的责任及各自能力”原则。多哈会议应积极落实各国领导人达成的这一重要政治共识,继续坚持公约的原则和规定,确保联合国框架下的多边谈判沿着正确的方向不断前行。 At the end of this year, the 18th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC and the 8th session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol will be held in Doha, the capital city of Qatar. The Doha Climate Change Conference is of great significance for maintaining the basic legal framework of the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol, strengthening the enforcement of the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol and safeguarding the legitimate development rights of developing countries. At the UN Conference on Sustainable Development convened in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 2011, government leaders reiterated that addressing climate change is based on the principle of fairness and the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities and own capacities" stipulated in the UNFCCC. The Doha Climate Change Conference should actively implement this important political consensus reached among government leaders, continue to insist on the principles and rules of the UNFCCC, and make sure that multilateral talks within the UN framework keep moving in the right direction.
中国认为,多哈会议应把落实各方已达成的共识放在优先位置,首先完成好巴厘路线图的谈判,关键是确立一个有法律约束力的议定书第二承诺期并确保其按时实施,发达国家切实采取行动,兑现率先减排及向发展中国家提供资金和技术支持的承诺。具体来说,多哈会议应在以下四方面达成成果:一是就议定书第二承诺期的落实和执行作出进一步的明确安排,确保议定书第二承诺期于2013年1月1日按时实施,这是多哈会议最重要的成果;二是在发展中国家普遍关心的减缓、适应、资金、技术转让和能力建设等问题上进一步取得实质性进展,特别是发达国家须兑现减排和提供资金、技术和能力建设支持的承诺,确保已建立的相关机制和机构切实发挥为发展中国家应对气候变化提供支持的作用;三是对有关公平、贸易、知识产权等巴厘行动计划可能的未决问题作出妥善后续安排,以成功完成好巴厘行动计划的谈判;四是就2020年后进一步加强公约实施涉及的相关原则问题充分交换意见,并做好德班平台谈判进程与巴厘路线图谈判的衔接,为下一步谈判奠定坚实基础。 China maintains that the Doha Climate Change Conference should give priority to the implementation of the consensus reached among all parties; in the first place, the key to the successful accomplishment of the negotiations on the Bali Road Map is the establishment of a legally-binding second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol and its guaranteed timely implementation. Developed countries should take genuine actions to fulfill their promises to take the lead in reducing emission and provide funding and technology to developing countries. To be specific, the Doha Climate Change Conference should yield results in the following four areas: First, make definite arrangements for the implementation and enforcement of the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, and ensure that the second commitment period is implemented in a timely fashion on January 1, 2013. This will be the most important outcome of Doha Climate Change Conference. Second, make further substantial progress on the issues of concern to all developing countries, such as mitigation, adaptation, funding, technology transfer and capacity building. Developed countries, in particular, should fulfill their promises to reduce emissions and provide support in terms of funding, technology transfer and capacity building, and ensure that the already-established mechanisms and institutions start substantive work, and play a substantial role in offering support to developing countries in coping with climate change. Third, make proper follow-up arrangements issues left unsettled in the Bali Action Plan, such as fairness, trade and intellectual property rights, in order to successfully complete talks on the Bali Action Plan. Fourth, fully exchange views on issues relating to the continued enforcement of the UNFCCC after 2020 and align the process of the Durban Platform negotiations with the Bali Road Map negotiations in order to lay a solid foundation for further negotiations.
中国支持多哈会议东道国卡塔尔遵循公开透明、广泛参与、协商一致和缔约方驱动的原则,推动多哈会议取得积极成果。中国将在此过程中继续发挥积极建设性作用,与各方一道携手努力,推动多哈会议取得成功。 China supports Qatar, the host nation for the Doha Climate Change Conference, in abiding by the principles of maintaining openness and transparency, extensive participation, reaching consensus through consultations and signatory leadership, and pushes for the conference to yield a positive outcome. China will play a positive and constructive role in the process and join hands with all parties to ensure a successful conference.
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