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Huang Daopo competes for China's top 10 stage operas
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The ethnic dance drama "Huang Daopo" has recently been short-listed by the Ministry of Culture as China's 30 outstanding stage operas, Hainan Daily reports.


 A still of the ethnic dance drama "Huang Daopo" [www.hinews.cn]

The play tells a beautiful story of Madam Huang Daopo, China's first inventor of its cotton textile technology, who lived between 1245 and 1330 in Yuan Dynasty.

Reports say that the drama will further revise itself early next year and will compete for the country's top 10 stage operas in May next year.

Director general of the classic drama, Peng Yuxiang, said since its premiere in 2006 the play has been revised several times. It has won numerous national awards and is well acclaimed by audiences.

(Xinhua News Agency October 17, 2008)

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