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A million yuan smile
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Blind Shaft earned him 1,000 yuan ($146), and a Best New Performer award at the Golden Horse Awards, known as Taiwan's academy awards. Most importantly, he received an invitation to work with famous director Feng Xiaogang.

Feng's films were frequently box office champions in China. Starring in his film meant exposure to tens of millions of viewers.

Wang drank three cups of wine when he first met Feng. "Drinking up" traditionally is a way of showing respect, but Wang was also drinking because he was nervous.

Feng asked him if he could set aside four months for the film, Wang's answer was, yes, up to a year, if necessary.

The character was as a villager, again, someone who believes there are no thieves in the world. But this time he worked with superstar Andy Lau. After 2004, people began calling him "Shagen", the character's name, instead of his own name.

To express his gratitude, he took a bag of rice from his hometown to give Feng.

He didn't need to work on construction sites any more.

In 2007 a TV series, Soldiers' Sortie, transformed Wang from an actor to an A-lister.

In the smash show Wang played a soldier slow at everything but who wins respect because of his strong faith and untiring efforts.

Wang hit the covers of all the major magazines in 2007 and was a guest on all the important talk shows. Some critics called his role the "Chinese Forrest Gump".

Wang had found fame, money and confusion. He started drinking and often had up to seven or eight interviews a day.

Recently, when he was on a plane with co-star Zhang Guoqiang, in Shunliu, the captain came to ask them for autographs. Zhang joked: "Is anyone piloting the plane?"

His whole family used to have a total annual income of about 1,000 yuan, but Wang has splashed out 500,000 yuan on building a new house for his parents, the best in the village.

"I always feel that I am a poor man," he says. "You feel you are powerful, but many are more powerful; you feel you are rich, but many are richer. I am a happy poor man now. I have a job that can sustain my life, it is OK."

Relatives and former friends now come to him, asking him to find them jobs. One of his assistants is his cousin from Hebei province.

He advertises cars and sang solo on the Spring Festival Evening Show, the most admired stage for actors nationwide. He even made a speech at the prestigious Fudan University in Shanghai.

Along with fame, however, has come intolerance. The media have criticized him for wearing designer shirts or singing karaoke until midnight, as if he should not enjoy a life other than that of a humble village boy.

Wang seldom responds to such news. He went back to Shaolin Temple, recently, and lived there for two week, repeating his kungfu studies from childhood.

He still carries his dictionary when working.

In 2006 he could still return to his parents and help them farm. It is impossible now.

(China Daily July 30, 2009)

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