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China Hopes Arms Inspection Works
Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan Tuesday expressed the hope that the United Nations (UN) arms inspectors will be able to carry out their mission in Iraq effectively.

Speaking at a regular briefing, Kong said that all parties should strictly implement the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council.

Chief UN arms inspector Hans Blix and an advance team of about two dozen arrived in Iraq's Baghdad on Monday.

Formal inspections are not due to commence until November 27, and full-scale checks not until Iraq files a declaration disclosing full details of its prohibited weapons pro-grammes. It has until December 8 to meet the deadline for disclosure.

The spokesman also confirmed that Vice-Foreign Minister Wang Yi will lead a delegation on border talks with India in New Delhi Thursday.

"The two sides will exchange their views on border issues, bilateral relations and international and regional issues of common concern," said Kong. "We hope that the talks will yield progress based on what has been achieved."

When asked to comment on the recent visit of China's special envoy to the Middle East, Wang Shijie, Kong described the trip as "having yielded positive results."

He said: "The visit has enabled the relevant parties to get a comprehensive understanding of China's desired intention to play an active role in the Middle East peace process, within the UN framework."

He said the countries concerned have expressed the hope that China will continue to play an active role in the matter and pledged to maintain close contact and co-operation with the Chinese special envoy.

Wang visited Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, and Israel during his nine-day trip to the region between November 6 and 14.

Meanwhile, the spokesman said the 132nd General Assembly of the Bureau of International Expositions in Monte Carlo, Monaco will cast votes to decide which country will hold the World Expo 2010 December 2 and 3 and State Councillor Wu Yi will give a presentation on Shanghai's bid for the Expo.

He also revealed that at the invitation of President Jiang Zemin, President Tarja Halonen of the Republic of Finland will pay a state visit to China from November 26 to 28.

(Xinhua News Agency November 20, 2002)

Talks with Iraqi Officials 'Make Progress'
Iraq to Create Favorable Conditions for Inspectors
UN Team to Begin Inspection in Iraq on Nov. 27
UN Weapons Inspectors Arrive in Cyprus
China Welcomes Iraqi Decision
Iraq Says 'Yes' to UN Resolution
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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