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Tropical storm Kalmaegi heads for SE China
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Tropical storm Kalmaegi is approaching China's southeast coast, and is expected to bring heavy rains in the next two days to Fujian Province, the provincial observatory said on Thursday.

The storm was moving northwest from Hualian County, Taiwan, on Thursday morning, bringing winds gusting up to 108 kilometers per hour at the center.

Kalmaegi, the seventh tropical storm to hit Fujian this year, became a strong tropical storm on Wednesday night. Though still more than 200 km away, it has began to affect the province with downpours along the coastal regions Thursday morning.

The heavy rain would continue in the province till this weekend, according to the weather services.

The provincial flood-control, offshore fishery and marine authorities have sent out warnings for early preparations against the storm.

(Xinhua News Agency July 17, 2008)

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