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New war of the flea: CSR and labor activism in China (II)

Factory workers at Chicony Electronics in Dongguan take part in a labor rights training program organized in partnership between Chicony, Hewlett Packard and Hong Kong NGO SACOM.
Factory workers at Chicony Electronics in Dongguan take part in a labor rights training program organized in partnership between Chicony, Hewlett Packard and Hong Kong NGO SACOM.  

The cost savings of off-shoring production are spectacular. Average weekly earnings in US manufacturing industry in August 2009 were 624 dollars according to the US bureau of labor statistics. (Wages in the electronic appliances sector were slightly higher than average). That gives a monthly rate of US$2,704 (18,464 yuan) or nearly 24 times Dongguan's legal minimum wage or 14 times the lower, and nearly 10 times the higher, estimate of average earnings given by Delta. 离岸生产能够惊人地节省成本。美国劳工统计局数据显示,美国制造业在20098月的周平均工资为624美元(电子产品部门的工资略高于这个平均水平)。以此计算,美国制造业的月平均工资则高达2704美元(约合人民币18464元),这个数值是东莞法定最低工资标准的24倍,是Delta员工中的较低收入者的14倍,较高收入者的10倍。
For the workers at Delta and Chicony, the training courses provided an opportunity to solve mundane grievances. In the women’s dormitories at Chicony hot water was often unavailable in the evenings. Chicony management lobbied the local authorities to repair the local water supply and also installed a new central heating device, actions that the workers greeted with applause. Some workers also felt the company was making it difficult for them to resign. This turned out to be a misunderstanding, with workers believing verbal notice was sufficient and the company insisting on written notice. Once explained, the matter was resolved. 对于在DeltaChicony工作的员工,培训课程提供了一个解决日常工作中的不满的机会。在Chicony的女工宿舍,热水常常在夜间停止供应。Chicony的管理人员说服当地部门对供水系统进行修理,安装新的中央供暖装置,这一行动得到工人的赞赏。还有一些员工感到公司对辞职设置了障碍。结果通过培训发现这是劳资双方的一个误会,只不过是员工认为口头通知足够了,而公司则坚持要提交书面通知。误会消除后,问题也就迎刃而解了。
One lasting legacy of the training course is the telephone hotline at Chicony, now operated by a workers' committee which is 80 percent elected by the workforce. Vic Lee, one of the more sympathetic managers involved in the program, said "It not only helps workers to understand their labor rights and obligations, but it offers them counseling services and relief from emotional problems. Many factory workers are migrant workers who face challenges being away from home in a new environment." 培训课程让工人能够长久受益的一点是Chicony的电话热线目前由工人委员会负责,这个委员会成员八成以上是由工人自己选举出来的。Vic Lee是较为支持此项目且亲自参与的经理,他说,这个项目不仅能够帮助工人理解劳动者权益和义务,而且还为他们提供咨询和情感疏导的服务。许多工厂工人远离家乡来到这个陌生环境,在心理上是个不小的挑战。
From the point of view of SACOM and the other campaigners involved the most important result of the training has been to give the workers the sense that they have the power to influence their working conditions. It is this heightened sense of dignity and empowerment that will, in their view, lead to a long term improvement in their wages and conditions. SACOM和其他活动者认为培训最重要的结果就是让员工建立了这样一个意识——他们有能力改善自己的工作条件。在他们看来,正是这种被强化了的尊严感和权利赋予使他们的薪资水平和工作条件得到长足的改善。
"We have confidence in workers that they will carry on their good fight, and after the training, they will gain more power in defending their rights. When workers learn negotiation skills they become brave to bring up previously unspoken issues," said Jenny Chan.

Jenny Chan说:“这些工人将会继续为自身权益而斗争,我们有这个信心。”培训之后,他们能够有更大的能力来维护自己的权益。当工人们学习谈判技巧时,他们敢于把之前未敢道出的事情拿到台面上来讲。

China.org.cn 何珊 译)

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- New war of the flea: CSR and labor activism in China (I)
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