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翻译漫谈(十五) 汉译英:主从





       例1.The gloomy little study, with windows of stained glass to exclude the view, was full of dark green velvet and heavily-carved mahogany — a suite of which old Jolyon was wont to say: "Shouldn't wonder if it made a big price some day!"


       这个例子很能说明英汉两种语言的句法特点。原文选自英国作家高尔斯华绥(John Galsworthy)的小说《福尔赛世家》(The Forsyte Saga)。原文破折号之前就是一个简单句,主语是The study,谓语动词是was。而周熙良的译文却把这半句话译成了5个并列短句,各有自己的主语和谓语,各短句之间也没有词语相连。这样一比较,两种语言各自的特点就看得很清楚了。





       Hainan Island, which is almost as big as Taiwan, has abundant natural resources, such as rich iron ore, oil and natural gas, as well as rubber and other tropical and subtropical crops. When it is fully developed, the result should be extraordinary.


       Our first objective was to solve the problem of food and clothing, which we have now done.


       We used to copy foreign models mechanically, which only hampered the development of our productive forces, induced ideological rigidity and kept the people and grass-roots units from taking any initiative.

       以上三例,译文都用了which。2003年出版的《Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English》(第4版)关于which的用法有这样一段说明:used, after a comma in writing, to add more information about the thing, situation or event you have just mentioned. 这正是以上三例中which的用法。例2 which引导的从句说明海南的大小,这只是对主语Hainan Island顺便作的一点说明,不是主要内容,这句话重点说明海南岛的资源。例3中的which代表主句中的to solve the problem of food and clothing,例4中的which代表前面整个主句,都表示结果。


       But the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone has achieved remarkable successes since it was established almost eight years ago.


       It was the leaders of Guangdong Province who first came up with the proposal that special zones be established, and I agreed. But I said they should be called special economic zones, not special political zones, because we didn't like anything of that sort.


       When the peasants, who make up 80 percent of China's population, could not even be guaranteed adequate food and clothing, how could we demonstrate the superiority of socialism?

       以上三例分别用连词since,because和when引导状语从句。例5从上下文来看,主要想说明深圳的成绩,时间长短不是重点。若用主句或并列分句来说时间,就喧宾夺主了。例6 because起连接作用,英语讲究“形合”,这里需要有个连词。当然不一定非用because,用as,for或since也都可以。这三个例子中用的连词,最不起眼的就是when,因为它用得最多。这里不用连词行不行?不行。例7原文前半句是陈述句,后半句是问句,并不需要用连词。英语则不然,这句译文可以分成两句,陈述句和问句各自成句;若放在一个句子里,就需要用连词,当然也不一定非用when,此处用if也可以。例2第2句译文用when,也是起连接作用。


       China will never seek hegemony even if it grows rich and strong in the future.


       However, although we haven't made any major mistakes, we have made many minor ones, because we have no experience.

       此二例中的even if和although都表示语气上的转折,这种语气上的转折并不是译者凭空加上的,而是深入分析原文得来的,这正体现了汉语“意合”的特点。一个连词也不用,各种语气的转折自在其中。译文连词加得是否得当,就看译者对原文理解得深不深了。

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Pet Name
- 翻译漫谈(十四) 汉译英:主谓
- 翻译漫谈(十三) 汉译英:替代
- 翻译漫谈(十二) 汉译英:基本功
- 翻译漫谈(十一) 翻译意思
- 翻译漫谈(十) 直译与意译
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