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Universities hit by falling rolls

Colleges and universities across China are facing a challenge due to declining student numbers, according to a new study by China Education Online.

Colleges and universities across China are facing a challenge due to declining student numbers, according to a new study by China Education Online.
Colleges and universities across China are facing a challenge due to declining student numbers, according to a new study by China Education Online, reported by Xinhua. 新华社消息,中国教育在线发布《2011年高招调查报告》,数据显示,高考生源持续下降,部分高校将因生源枯竭面临生存挑战。

The study cites as major factors a fall in the birth rate, an increase in the number of high school graduates choosing to study abroad, and growing numbers simply not sitting the college entrance exam.


(China.org.cn May 4, 2011)


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