Ukraine: the road to Hell

By Heiko Khoo
0 Comment(s)Print E-mail, May 14, 2014
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In the West, Cold War hostility to Russia runs deep. Its echo reverberates through the current conflict in Ukraine and continues despite the restoration of capitalism in the 1990s. Western media and politicians use this as a licence to make absurdly distorted comments, in which Russia is presented as the bête noir behind all that is bad in Ukraine.

Caught in the middle [By Jiao Haiyang/]

Caught in the middle [By Jiao Haiyang/]

As with propaganda during the Cold War, the actual historical record is distorted, inverted and forced to serve the objective of vilifying the Russian enemy. Anything and anyone who is "pro-Russian" is bad and all pro-Western forces are good. So let us recall some key facts about recent events to help disentangle reality from nonsense.

Protests against Ukraine's elected President Viktor Yanukovych escalated into an armed rebellion led by right-wing paramilitary groups, who ousted him this February. The tipping point towards an armed coup-d'état was the allegation that he had authorized the shooting of 100 peaceful protestors. However, it subsequently emerged that the snipers responsible for the bulk of these killings were in fact shooting and killing both pro- and anti-Yanukovych supporters. Such methods stink of U.S.-inspired special operations and the entire process is consistent with similar political "revolutions" as organized by Washington over the past decade.

These "colour revolutions" take on the form of protests against governments deemed hostile towards any U.S. interests. They combine the classical appearance of a real popular revolt with a well-financed media campaign, and carefully target political demands designed to topple governments. They may initially articulate all sorts of legitimate popular grievances as a means to galvanize support, but the objective is actually not "the people's power," but instead to put pro-Western stooges in charge.

Leaked recordings of the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland's phone conversation with the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, did confirm such a campaign. These two would be puppet masters, conniving to put their people in command of Kiev: even though the means to attain this objective would involve neo-Nazi forces leading the seizure of power. The leaked conversation also revealed Washington's utter contempt for its "allies" in the European Union. Nevertheless, it appears that no that matter how much Washington tramples on the independence, prestige and authority of Europe's leaders, they masochistically submit to every fickle whim of their historical master. This is fostering a deep popular resentment that will eventually backfire on the United States, but that is the music of the future.

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