Profound regional impact from China's Silk Road initiatives

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail Xinhua, November 19, 2014
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Chang Jian said that more than 30 potential partner countries had expressed interest so far, accounting for more than 60 percent of world's population and 30 percent of its GDP. Recent enthusiasts include Russia, Tajikistan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Afghanistan.

"We think the new Silk Road plan offers a structured platform to leverage comparative advantages, improve economic cooperation and increase synergies across the region. New growth areas will be cultivated and new competitive edges could emerge through strengthening value-added, innovation, investment and market activities," Chang said.

She said that by building interdependent relationships based on shared economic interests, the initiatives would deepen political linkages, improve mutual understanding and foster long-term stability in the region.

"The agreement to set up the AIIB by countries that have territorial disputes with China suggests lower geopolitical risk and a lower probability of military conflicts, " she said.

However, the HSBC report warns that details of the allocation and management of the Silk Road fund are yet to be determined and financing and operational risks could endanger the "Belt and Road" strategy.

As most Chinese enterprises are still at an early stage of overseas investment, there is ample room for improvement in areas such as due diligence, environmental protection and working standards, according to the report.

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