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Earl Bousquet
Earl M. Bousquet is President of St. Lucia-China Friendship Association (SLCFA), columnist of The Voice of St. Lucia, St. Lucia's largest and oldest newspaper and commentator of DBS TV Evening News. He can be reached at embousquet@hotmail.com
May 20, 2011
Election or selection?
The resignation of IMF Executive Director has opened the possibility of a welcome change in how the lead man is selected for the top job in this international financial institution.
May 9, 2011
New sound of music?
The popular Haitian musician Jean Michel Martelly who has recently won the election will face the difficult tasks of governing the country and creating the type of change that has eluded his predecessors.
May 4, 2011
After bin Laden…
The killing of bin Laden is a severe, but not fatal, blow to his worldwide terror network.
March 14, 2011
Narrowing the income gap has many dimensions
'Narrowing the income gap' isn't something you hear many governments promise. In fact, I don't know many that either promise, or deliver, on this desirable objective everywhere that the income gap is too wide for national comfort.
February 25, 2011
Uncertain new dawn in Arabia and Africa
Internet-generated protests in Arab regions have toppled ruling regimes in Egypt and Tunisia and resulted in chaos in Libya. The future of these countries remains uncertain.
February 14, 2011
Twittering the Internet Intifada
The phrase "technological revolution" has just taken on an all-new meaning. It's now about using information technology to promote protests, spread revolution. [poll]
February 10, 2011
Egypt's fortnight of uncertainty
After two weeks of turmoil across Egypt, the United States, UK, and Europe have found themselves in deep dilemma in Cairo.
January 28, 2011
Ivory Coast, proxy war?
The tense standoff continues on the Ivory Coast with the "Incumbent President" "President Elect" still at square odds.
January 19, 2011
UN stuck between a rock and a hard place in Ivory Coast
Unfolding events in Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) are troubling. And the United Nations (UN) is caught smack in the middle of it all.
January 12, 2011
The Haiti conundrum
One year after the massive earthquake that killed over 230,000, Haiti remains in shambles, without any sign of solution to the major problems facing its people.
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