Top 20 universities in China 2012: RUC

By Zhang Junmian
0 Comment(s)Print E-mail, May 31, 2012
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   Zhejiang University   浙江大学


Zhejiang University, one of the 'Top 20 universities in China 2012' by

Zhejiang University [] 

 Rank 2012: 5; Rank 2011: 5

Overall score: 85.01

National discipline ranking: 73.83

Quantity and structure of national key disciplines: 81.96

Research paper citations: 97.09

Average scores in national college entrance examination: 87.57

Internet popularity (university name search index and university president search frequency): 71.93

Attraction to international students: 75.17


Zhejiang University (ZJU) lies by the gorgeous West Lake in Hangzhou, the capital city of Zhejiang Province. The university, a member of the C9 League, is also one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in China. Its predecessor, Qiushi Academy, was founded in 1897. ZJU was once reputed as "Cambridge of the East" by British scientist and historian Joseph Needham who twice visited its campus in 1944. The university constantly takes the third spot on various domestic and international university rankings. More than 160 of its alumni have been named academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences or Chinese Academy of Engineering. Presently, it offers programs in eleven disciplinary areas to 43,368 full-time students, including 22,557 undergraduates, and 20,811 candidates for masters and doctoral degrees.

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