Top 20 universities in China 2012: RUC

By Zhang Junmian
0 Comment(s)Print E-mail, May 31, 2012
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   Renmin University of China  中国人民大学


Renmin University of China, one of the 'Top 20 universities in China 2012' by

Renmin University of China [] 

 Rank 2012: 4; Rank 2011: 4

Overall score: 86.22

National discipline ranking: 80.25

Quantity and structure of national key disciplines: 89.70

Research paper citations: 78.89

Average scores in national college entrance examination: 92.53

Internet popularity (university name search index and university president search frequency): 79.13

Attraction to international students: 75.88


Located in Haidian District, Beijing, Renmin University (RUC) is a national key university directly administered by the Ministry of Education of China. Originally founded in 1937 as Shan Bei Public School, RUC is one of the most prestigious universities with great strength in humanities and social sciences. It also excels in the area of natural sciences. It was given its present name in 1950, and became the first national university established by the newly-founded People's Republic of China. It ranks at the top or near the top among Chinese universities in such disciplinary areas as applied economics, theoretical economics, Law, political science, sociology, journalism & communication and Marxism studies. Best known as the Mecca for China's social science students, it offers 65 undergraduate programs, 158 master's programs and 104 doctoral programs in its 22 academic schools. RUC ranked first in China in terms of the annual publications in CSSCI(Chinese Social Science Citation Index) journals for six straight years from 2004 to 2009.

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