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China, Arab youths call for much co-op in strategic new industry
Xinhua, September 23, 2011 Print  E-mail

China and the Arab countries should deepen their cooperation on strategic new industries such as new energy and new materials, youth delegates from both sides agreed on Thursday during the ongoing second China-Arab States Economic and Trade Forum.

The development of the strategic new industries has become a significant strategy for the world's major powers to obtain commanding heights in the new round of economic and scientific competition.

For now, China and Arab countries are focusing on energy-saving and environment protection, new generation of information technology, biotechnology, high tech equipment production, new energy, new material and new energy vehicles.

A delegate of Saudi Arabia said that China and the Arab countries should boost cooperation in strategic new industry development since either side has its own advantages.

He suggested that countries should have different responsibilities in the cooperation to better utilize new energy and ensure energy safety.

Some Arab delegates also mentioned that the development of strategic new industry is a huge system that involves companies, governments and countries, and therefore government policy support is needed in the process.

The second China-Arab States Economic and Trade Forum opened Wednesday in Yinchuan, capital of northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.


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