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Memorable songs from silverscreen
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Zhang Liangying performed theme songs. One is the lyrical 'Painted Heart' for the thriller 'Painted Skin'.

Zhang Liangying performed theme songs. One is the lyrical "Painted Heart" for the thriller "Painted Skin". 

Zhang Liangying also performed theme songs for two movie productions. One is the fast-paced "Hero" for "The Forbidden Kingdom", the other is the lyrical "Painted Heart" for the thriller "Painted Skin".

Sometimes, star singers are absent from major productions. In 2008, John Woo picked newcomer Ah Lan to sing "The Heart of Battle", which helped establish the leitmotif of his blockbuster "The Red Cliff". It is only a pity that the song, that is so difficult to master, will not gain popularity in karaoke rooms.

At times the singer of the theme song can outperform the movie. This was the situation for Li Yuchun. The young star's rendition of "Fragrance of Pear Blossoms" made it to the top of the pop music charts across China, while the comedy "Shi Quan Jiu Mei" only saw moderate success.

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