Full Text: The United States' Global Surveillance Record

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2014-05-29
互联网新闻研究中心26日发表了《美国全球监听行动纪录》。全文如下: A Chinese Internet information body on Monday issued a report on the U.S. intelligence agencies' "unscrupulous" surveillance over the rest of the world. Following is the full text:
The United States' Global Surveillance Record
Internet Media Research Center
The People's Republic of China
May 26, 2014
目录 Contents
导言 Foreword
一、美国在全球范围广泛从事秘密监听 I. The United States conducts widespread secret surveillance across the globe
二、美国把中国当成秘密监听的主要目标 II. The United States sets China as the main target of its secret surveillance
三、美国秘密监听不择手段 III.The United States' unscrupulous secret surveillance programs
四、美国全球监听受到广泛批评 IV. The United States' global surveillance program hit by worldwide criticism

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