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China's Eastern Coastal Areas Urged to Take Lead in Reforms

Premier Wen Jiabao has urged China's eastern coastal region to take the lead in carrying out a scientific concept of development, building a harmonic society, and implementing reforms and opening policies as well as making innovative mechanisms.

It is of great significance for overall situation that the country's eastern coastal areas to take the lead in realizing modernization on the basis of building a comprehensive prosperous society, said Wen, who is member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee.

Premier Wen made these remarks during an inspection tour of south China's Guangdong Province, where he visited companies, schools, residential communities, in cities, and villages.

He was accompanied by Zhang Dejiang, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the provincial Party committee, and Provincial Governor Huang Huahua.

After hearing a report by the provincial leaders, the premier spoke highly of Guangdong for its leading role in the country's reform and opening drive and its enormous economic and social achievements over the past two decades.

The eastern coastal areas have both advantages and conditions to be a national leader in development as they are ideal in geographic location, powerful in economic strength, sound in infrastructure, wide-ranging in opening-up, highly developed in science and education sectors, rich in professionals, Wen said.

The past experience has proved that the central policy of reform and opening-up and the socialist road with China's own characteristics are completely correct, he acknowledged.

Meanwhile, Wen urged the eastern coastal areas to go on taking the lead in the country, by capitalizing on opportunities and facing up challenges. He calls for adhering to a scientific concept of development in promoting economic and social growth and taking a scientific road of development.

In his instructions, the premier advised Guangdong to attach greater importance to improving the quality and efficiency of development as well as capabilities to achieve a sustainable development.

Guangdong should also pay more attention to achieving a common prosperity for both urban and rural areas, increasing the capabilities of innovation, deepening reforms, and further develop an export-led economy, he said.

Wen also highlighted the issue of resolving problems relating to the interests of the people, so as to speed the building of a harmonic society.

(Xinhua News Agency September 14, 2005)

Guangdong Strides Ahead in SOE Reform With Incentives
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