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5 major problems to be tackled in national economy
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China's just concluded economic conference identified five major problems in the national economy in a bid to better steer the country's economic growth in the coming year.


The three-day Central Economic Work Conference that ends on Wednesday cited overheating risks, inflation pressure, a weak agriculture sector, arduous energy conservation and emission reduction tasks and prominent issues on welfare of the general public as key concerns of Chinese authorities.


"We need to pay great attention to these problems and solve them in a timely manner," the meeting said.


It emphasized that it would be of great significance to properly guide the national economy in 2008, which is the first year for China to implement policies mapped out at the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), during which the country's new leadership was selected.


China will host the Olympic Games in August next year, for which the government is going all out in preparation to guarantee the success of the major event.


The meeting has also outlined policies to be adopted to ensure problems could be properly solved, such as the prevention of overheating economy and guarding against a shift from structural price rises to evident inflation.


(Xinhua News Agency December 6, 2007)

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