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PLA Chief Meets Namibian Counterpart
Liang Guanglie, chief of the general staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA), met in Beijing Friday with Peter Nambundunga, chief of the general staff of the National Defense Force of Namibia.

Liang, also a member of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China, said that, although China and Namibia are geographically distant from each other, the two peoples have forged a profound friendship during their respective struggles against imperialism and colonialism.

He said that friendly bilateral military ties have also enjoyed continuous and steady development since the establishment of diplomatic relations.

Frequent high-level visits have promoted mutual understanding and trust between the two sides and have enhanced exchanges and cooperation in various fields, he added.

The armed forces of China value their friendly relations with their Namibian counterparts and will make every effort to forge an even closer bond in the new century, he stressed.

He also briefed the guests on the current status of the armed forces of China and on the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Nambundunga agreed with Liang that the two peoples have a profound friendship, and emphasized that the Namibian people will never forget the valuable support from the Chinese government and the Chinese people during the Namibian struggle for independence.

The Namibian government has firmly implemented a one-China policy and consistently stood side by side with China in international affairs, he noted.

This trip has further cemented the friendly and cooperative military ties, he said.

(Xinhua News Agency November 29, 2002)

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