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New Year Reception to Honor Foreign Press Corps Held
The information department of China's Foreign Ministry held a New Year reception Friday evening for foreign embassy press officials and journalists.

Assistant Foreign Minister Zhou Wenzhong said the year 2002 has witnessed vigorous diplomatic work by China.

This year, the country's diplomatic work, adapted to the constantly-evolving international situation, has created a favorable environment for economic development, Zhou said, noting that China's international influence has grown.

China will continue to adhere to its independent foreign policyof peace and contribute more to world peace and common development,he said.

China will continue to make friends with all countries, enhancereciprocal cooperation and expand common interests, he said.

Zhou stated that the country will spare no efforts to establisha new, just and rational international political and economic order.

He praised the work of foreign journalists, which promotes a better understanding of China among people of other countries.

Representatives from relevant Chinese government departments and Beijing-based diplomats also attended the reception.

(Xinhua News Agency December 21, 2002)

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