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How to Stay Healthy amid Indoor Noise Pollution
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1. First and foremost, avoid loud noises as much as possible. Though the state has already started working on noise control, it has still not eradicated the problem. Therefore, we should start at home with our families. To keep from disturbing work, study, and entertainment, one should strictly control the volume and on and off timers of household appliances and other audio devices, especially the use of the high frequency stereos whose volume must be limited within 70 decibels. Car drivers should not use the horns randomly and not frequently go to the shopping centers or bars to reduce the harm of manmade noises.

2. "Silent villas" have emerged abroad, which are highly popular among local residents. Due to our national conditions, we are unable to follow suit. Therefore, what we can do is to create a silent atmosphere in our own families. Install double-glazing in your home, which may reduce outside noises by half. The effect is especially ideal for the office buildings and homes facing the street. Install steel doors to insulate against noises. Steel doors prove to be rather helpful in defending against noises, and zinc-coated steel doors are designed to contain air between the inside and outside layers, making it difficult for indoor or outdoor sounds to be transmitted out or inside of the buildings. In addition, the steel door has rubber margins and so it makes no noises when the door knocks its frame. It is also suggested to use clothing decorations and soft decorations, and it is extremely important to separate rooms of different functions from each other.

3. When purchasing electrical household appliances, people are encouraged to choose products with low noise emissions. People should also try not to keep all major appliances in one room, and be sure to install large appliances in rooms able to handle the noise output. If an electrical appliance breaks, the dysfunction must be immediately addressed because broken electrical household appliances make much louder noises than those functioning normally.

4. It is important to cohabitate peacefully with neighbors, because quarrels lead to unwanted noise for the whole community. Leisure time should be properly arranged so as to create a quiet, warm, and civilized society and family surroundings for all, especially for our kids.

5. When confronting the indoor noise pollution, make an indoor noise test and then take corresponding measures according to the pollution sources. If the noise pollution is caused by outside factors, consult related departments in order to solve the pollution problems.

(China.org.cn September 12, 2007)

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