'Monster Hunt' and top Chinese film grossers

By Zhang Rui
0 Comment(s)Print E-mail China.org.cn, July 28, 2015
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6, "If You Are the One"

"If You Are the One" [Photo/youth.cn] 

Box office gross: 325 million yuan

Release date: Dec. 18, 2008

The film has held the record for: 9 months

Box office total gross of all films in China that year: 4.34 billion yuan

During the New Year season at the end of 1998, Feng Xiaogang's romantic comedy "If You Are the One" became the highest grossing Chinese film ever, breaking John Woo's record just made five months ago. In 2007, Feng's war epic "The Assembly" earned 250 million yuan, second only to "Transformers" which grossed 282 million yuan.

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