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270 million rural people have no standardized drinking water


In our country, access to safe drinking water for about 270 million people living in rural areas is a problem that still needs to be solved, said Li Yangbin, director general of the Center for Rural Drinking Water Safety, Ministry of Water Resources, according to a report by China Youth Daily on November 20.

第四届中国(国际)水务高峰论坛1120日在京结束。李仰斌说,除污染以外,我国农村饮用水还有部分存在氟砷超标、铁锰超标、苦咸等问题。 The fourth China International Water Business Summit concluded on November 20 in Beijing. Li said in addition to pollution, the drinking water in rural areas also contained high amounts of fluorine and arsenic, excessive amounts of iron and manganese, and brackish substances.
水利工程中的污染问题也逐渐显现。这几年建设的大量的水利工程,在检验的时候都是合格,但是运行一段时间,水质就出问题了。 Problems related to polluted drinking water have gradually emerged. Many projects have been constructed in the past few years, passing standards for clean drinking water. However, after a period of time, the quality of the water at many project stations started to decline again.
“根据去年和今年卫生部的检测,已建的工程里面水质达标的大概在48%左右,老百姓肉眼一看水很清,但是显微镜下的细菌超标。” "Tests performed by the Ministry of Health within the past 2 years have shown that about 48 percent of the constructed projects met water quality standards. The water looks clean to the naked eye, but the microscopic bacteria exceeded the limit."
李仰斌称,这些问题都要分期解决。目前的重点是加快农村饮水安全工程建设步伐,深化农村供水工程体制改革,强化水质检测,社会服务和水源保护。特别是水质要引起重视。 Li said the problems needed to be solved in stages. Currently, the emphasis is to speed up the construction of water safety projects in rural areas and deepen the systematic reform of water supply engineering. Strengthening water quality tests, social services and conservation of water sources is also important. The quality of water especially needs to be emphasized.

"In the past five years, we have managed to solve the issue of unsafe drinking water for 160 million people living in rural areas. Our overall goal is to solve this problem for 320 million rural people by the year 2015. The increased population will be taken into consideration after assessing the situation. The Ministry of Water Resources is mapping out the plan," Li said.

(China.org.cn translated by Zhou Jing)

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