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China facing climate change caused poverty
File photo: A farmer checks his dried field in Shajin Village of Fuxin City, northeast China's Liaoning Province, on August 14, 2009. The central, eastern and southern parts of Liaoning Province begin to be confronted with drought besides the severely suffered western and northern parts. [Li Gang/Xinhua]
File photo: A farmer checks his dried field in Shajin Village of Fuxin City, northeast China's Liaoning Province, on August 14, 2009. The central, eastern and southern parts of Liaoning Province begin to be confronted with drought besides the severely suffered western and northern parts. [Li Gang/Xinhua]

初冬季节,辽宁西部的北票市西官营镇大巴里村,冷清安静,路上鲜见行人。 Dabali Village in western Liaoning Province is quiet in this early winter. Few pedestrians can be seen in the country lanes.
村支书闫玉国解释说:今年我们这里赶上了1952年以来最严重的旱灾,大田作物基本绝收,村里许多劳动力都外出打工去了。 "We have been hit by the severest drought since 1952, causing us to harvest almost nothing from the field. Many young villagers have gone to work elsewhere," said Yan Yuguo, Party branch secretary of the village.
尽管这里的农民并不知道7日在哥本哈根开幕的联合国气候变化大会与他们有什么关系,但是全球气候变暖的恶果却实实在在地影响着他们的生活。中国正在承受着因气候变化而带来的贫困阴影。 Unbeknownst to the villagers, the United Nations Climate Change Conference on the other side of the globe was busy addressing issues such as these. The disastrous effects of climate change exert great influences on people's lives, and many in China suffer from poverty because of it.
辽宁西部从今年6月下旬至8月下旬出现持续2个多月的高温少雨天气,特大旱灾让辽宁3000多万亩农田受旱,其中500多万亩干枯绝收,受灾人口300多万人。 The drought in western Liaoning began in late June and lasted for two months, with extreme high temperatures and sparse rainfall victimizing about 4.9 million acres of farmland. Among them, 823,696 acres had no harvest at all, and total drought victims reached 3 million.
辽宁西部与内蒙古自治区接壤,是十年九旱的生态脆弱区。2006年的伏旱、2007年的春旱、2008年的秋旱,今年又遭遇大旱,基本靠天吃饭的农民返贫现象严重。 Western Liaoning borders the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, with the frail ecology constantly beset by droughts. It suffered through a drought every year from 2006 to 2009, causing the farmers to freefall into poverty.
中国等发展中国家,尤其是像辽宁西部这样贫困落后的地区,对全球气候变暖的贡献最小,但是现在他们却首当其冲地承受着气候变化带给他们的灾难。中国农业科学院农业与气候变化研究中心主任林而达说。 "In developing countries such as China, impoverished areas such as west Liaoning contribute the least to global warming, yet they are the first to bear the brunt of disasters caused by climate change," said Lin Erda, director of the Agriculture and Climate Change Center of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
国家发展和改革委员会11月发布的《中国应对气候变化的政策与行动——2009年度报告》指出,过去一百年中,中国的气候变化趋势与全球趋势基本一致,平均温度升高了1.1,略高于全球平均升温幅度。 According to "China's Policies and Actions for Addressing Climate Change - The Progress Report 2009," issued by the National Development and Reform Commission in November, China's climate change trends were keeping in step with the world. The average increase in temperature in the past 100 years was 1.1 degrees Celsius, only slightly higher than the world average.
林而达认为,中国贫困地区与气温变化受灾地区范围基本重合,贫困地区农民最容易遭受气候灾害影响,因此而造成的致贫、返贫现象严重。 Lin said that poverty-stricken areas in China coincided with areas influenced by climate change. People in impoverished areas were more likely to also be climate change victims, with worsening natural environment conditions and living standards causing poverty to linger.
林而达认为,气候灾害和疾病已经成为中国贫困人口致贫、返贫的两大主要原因,而气候变化对生态脆弱地区的影响更不容忽视。干旱、高温、沙尘暴、病虫害等重大灾害发生的频率、程度和范围明显增加。 According to Lin, climate disasters and disease were two major reasons for poverty's return, with the impact of climatic change in ecologically frail areas only worsening the issue. Disasters such as drought, high temperature, sandstorms, plant diseases, and insect pestilence have all happened more frequently in a larger number of areas, with increasingly severe aftermaths.

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