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Top 10 industries hit by climate change (II)

6、林业  6. Forestry
气候干燥、气温升高意味着更多的森利火灾。但科学家认为,树叶可以吸收二氧化碳并释放氧气,故增加植树造林面积可以减缓全球变暖。 Arid weather and higher temperatures mean more forest fires. But scientists say the increase of forest coverage is good to slow the global warming process because the leaves of the trees are able to assimilate carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
7、采矿业 7. Mining
政府签署减少碳排放协议,采矿业势必会受到气候变暖影响,尤其是煤矿业将受到很大威胁。采矿业不只是受到越来越多的限制条例的影响,还必须承受气候变化带来的直接影响。加拿大矿山企业主担心,北极冰雪的融化可能阻碍道路驾驶;2002年的犹他州森林火灾迫使该地区的煤矿停产。 Global warming is bound to have a huge effect on mining as governments sign up to agreements to cut the carbon emissions. Coal mining in particular will become an industry under big threat. The industry will suffer not just from increased regulation but also from the direct effects of climate change. Canadian mine owners are worried melting Arctic ice will make the roads from mining areas impassable; in 2002, a forest fire in Utah halted mining in the area.
8、畜牧业 8. Livestock farming
少食用肉类能帮助减缓全球变暖,根据联合国粮农组织的统计,畜牧业排放的温室气体占全球排放总量的18%,罪魁祸首是来自牛在打饱嗝时释放的甲烷。如果鼓励人们少吃肉,畜牧业就会受到影响。 Eating less meat can help slow global warming. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Association, 18 percent of world emissions come from livestock farming in large part from the methane stomach gases of cows. If people are persuaded to eat less meat, the industry will suffer.
9、能源业 9. Energy
全球变暖要求革新能源产业,化石燃料的无碳生物燃料替代品也已经开始广泛应用。在不久的将来,风涡轮机、太阳能电池板将成为主要的发电机,核工业也在快速扩张,还在继续运营的碳燃料发电厂将受到严格的碳排放限制。 Faced with global warming, the energy industry is being forced to innovate. Carbon-neutral biological alternatives to fossil fuels are already in widespread use. Over time, wind turbines and solar panels may become the dominant generators of power. The nuclear industry is also set for a major expansion. Carbon fuel plants that continue to operate will be forced to respect strict emissions limits.
10.水资源利用产业 10. The Water Industry
水资源缺乏已经成为很多地区的一个主要问题,全球变暖又会加剧水缺乏的问题。对用水的严格控制、监测要求越来越高,工业成本也会随之增加。农业用水浪费是主要的问题,“数据显示我们的用水是不可持续的,而80%从地下抽取的水都用于农业,”欧盟水产业游说团前团长Daniel Villesot说道。

Water shortages are already a major issue in many regions and global warming is set to exacerbate existing problems. Industry costs will rise as the demand for tighter control and monitoring of water usage grows. Waste of water in agriculture is a major concern. “Figures show that our use of water is not sustainable and that 80 percent of abstracted water goes to agriculture," says Daniel Villesot, former head of the EU's water industry lobby.

(China.org.cn translated by Zhang Ming'ai & Wu Jin)

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