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Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Movie Quotes


Will Rodman: Meet Chimp 9. We have him a gene therapy that allows the brain to create its own cells, in order to repair itself. We call it a cure to Alzheimer's. 威尔•罗德曼:请看第9号黑猩猩。我们运用基因疗法使它的大脑自行生成细胞,完成修复。我们认为这是治疗老年痴呆症的一种新疗法。
Will Rodman: Caesar continues to show cognitive skills that far exceed that of a human counterpart. The drug in his system has radically boosted brain function. 威尔•罗德曼:一直以来,西泽表现出的认知技能远超同时期的人类。他体内的药物从根本上促进了大脑功能的发展。
Caroline Aranha (a primatologist): You're trying to control things that are not meant to be controlled. 卡罗琳•阿拉尼亚(灵长类动物学家)你正在试图掌控根本不应被人类所掌控的事物。
Caroline Aranha: Something's aren't meant to be changed. You need to accept that. 卡罗琳•阿拉尼亚:有些事物不应该被改变,你必须接受这一点。
Steven Jacobs (Will's boss): Keep your personal emotions out of it. These people invest in results, not dreams. 史蒂文•雅各布斯(威尔的上司)不要在工作中掺杂私人感情。这些人投资是为了成果,而不是梦想。
Robert Franklin (the animal's chief handler): There are lives at stake here. These... these are animals with personalities, with attachments. 罗伯特•富兰克林(医药公司动物管理负责人)关在铁栏之后的这些都是生命。这些动物是有个性、有感情的。
Dodge Landon (ape sanctuary runner): Stupid monkey! He'll learn who's boss soon enough. 道奇•兰登(猿类保护中心负责人之一)这只蠢猴子!他马上就会记住谁才是这儿的老大。

[Seeing Caesar is upset] 【威尔看到西泽很烦躁】
Will Rodman: You okay, pal? 威尔•罗德曼:伙计,你还好吗?
[Caesar replies by signing] 【西泽用手势回答他】
Will Rodman: Are you a pet? No. You're not a pet. 威尔•罗德曼:你是不是宠物?不,你当然不是宠物。
[Caesar signs again, asking a question] 【西泽又做了个手势提问】
Will Rodman: I'm your father. 威尔•罗德曼:我是你的父亲。
[Caesar signs another question] 【西泽接着提问】
Will Rodman: What is Caesar? 威尔•罗德曼:西泽到底是什么?

[Last lines: After Caesar and the other apes have escaped to the Red Woods, Will finds him] 【最后一幕:西泽和其他猿类逃到了红杉国家公园,威尔找到了他】
Will Rodman: Caesar, I'm sorry. This is my fault. This has to stop. This isn't the way. You know what they're capable of. Please, come home. If you come home, I'll protect you. 威尔•罗德曼:我很抱歉,西泽。这都是我的错。不能再这样下去了。这样是不对的。你知道他们能干出什么来。求你了,回家吧。跟我回去,我会保护你的。
Caesar: Caesar is home. 西泽:这里就是西泽的家。
Will Rodman: Okay. Caesar is home. Go.


(China.org.cn Rebecca 译)

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