Decision of the CCCPC on Some Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening the Reform

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2014-01-17

十二、推进社会事业改革创新 XII. Promoting Reform and Innovation of Social Undertakings
实现发展成果更多更公平惠及全体人民,必须加快社会事业改革,解决好人民最关心最直接最现实的利益问题,努力为社会提供多样化服务,更好满足人民需求。 In order to make sure that more fruits of development are shared by all the people in a fair way, we must accelerate the reform of social undertakings, satisfactorily resolve the most pressing and real problems of the greatest concern to the people, endeavor to provide the public with diversified services, and better satisfy the people's demands.
(42)深化教育领域综合改革。全面贯彻党的教育方针,坚持立德树人,加强社会主义核心价值体系教育,完善中华优秀传统文化教育,形成爱学习、爱劳动、爱祖国活动的有效形式和长效机制,增强学生社会责任感、创新精神、实践能力。强化体育课和课外锻炼,促进青少年身心健康、体魄强健。改进美育教学,提高学生审美和人文素养。大力促进教育公平,健全家庭经济困难学生资助体系,构建利用信息化手段扩大优质教育资源覆盖面的有效机制,逐步缩小区域、城乡、校际差距。统筹城乡义务教育资源均衡配置,实行公办学校标准化建设和校长教师交流轮岗,不设重点学校重点班,破解择校难题,标本兼治减轻学生课业负担。加快现代职业教育体系建设,深化产教融合、校企合作,培养高素质劳动者和技能型人才。创新高校人才培养机制,促进高校办出特色争创一流。推进学前教育、特殊教育、继续教育改革发展。 42. Deepening the comprehensive reforms in the area of education. We will carry out the Party's principles on education, continue to cultivate talented people with high moral standards, strengthen education in core socialist values and improve education in outstanding traditional Chinese culture, create effective forms and lasting mechanisms for the campaign of "enjoying study and labor and loving the country," and enhance students' sense of social responsibility, innovativeness and practical abilities. We will intensify physical education and extracurricular activities to promote young people's mental and physical health. We will improve aesthetics education to raise students' aesthetic and artistic ability. We will vigorously promote educational equality, improve the financial assistance system for students from families with financial difficulties, and establish an effective mechanism to expand the coverage of high-quality education resources by means of information technology, so as to gradually narrow the gaps between different regions, between urban and rural areas and between different schools. We will make a balanced allocation of compulsory education resources between urban and rural areas, set unified standards for the construction of public schools, exchange principals and teachers among different public schools, and abolish the practice of establishing key schools or classes, so as to overcome the problem caused by choosing schools and reduce the academic burden on students. We will quicken steps in the development of a modern vocational education system, deepen the integration of production and education and cooperation between schools and enterprises, and train high-caliber workers and technical talents. We will make innovations in the mechanism of higher learning institutions that trains talents, encouraging them to strive for specialty and excellence. We will boost the reform and development of pre-school, special and continued education.
推进考试招生制度改革,探索招生和考试相对分离、学生考试多次选择、学校依法自主招生、专业机构组织实施、政府宏观管理、社会参与监督的运行机制,从根本上解决一考定终身的弊端。义务教育免试就近入学,试行学区制和九年一贯对口招生。推行初高中学业水平考试和综合素质评价。加快推进职业院校分类招考或注册入学。逐步推行普通高校基于统一高考和高中学业水平考试成绩的综合评价多元录取机制。探索全国统考减少科目、不分文理科、外语等科目社会化考试一年多考。试行普通高校、高职院校、成人高校之间学分转换,拓宽终身学习通道。 In order to eradicate the drawback of "one's fate being determined by an examination," we will promote the reform of the examination and college admission system, explore an operational mechanism in which college admission and examination are separated to a certain extent, students have multiple opportunities in the college entrance examinations, colleges admit students independently according to law, professional institutions organize for the implementation, the government enforces macro control, and the society participates in the supervision. We will try to implement a school district system in which students enter the schools within their respective districts throughout their nine-year compulsory education without taking any examinations. We will promote academic proficiency tests and comprehensive quality evaluation in junior and senior high schools. We will intensify efforts to administer categorized tests and open admissions for vocational school entrance. We will gradually establish a comprehensive evaluation and diversified college admission mechanism based on the results in the unified national entrance examinations for regular institutions of higher learning and the proficiency test results in high schools. We will explore ways to reduce the number of courses in the unified national examinations, with a mixture of social and natural sciences, and have open-to-all foreign languages tests several times a year. We will try to unify credits among regular higher-learning institutions, higher vocational schools and adult colleges, thus broadening the channels for lifelong learning.
深入推进管办评分离,扩大省级政府教育统筹权和学校办学自主权,完善学校内部治理结构。强化国家教育督导,委托社会组织开展教育评估监测。健全政府补贴、政府购买服务、助学贷款、基金奖励、捐资激励等制度,鼓励社会力量兴办教育。 We will further push ahead with the separation of government administration, school management and educational evaluation, delegate greater power to provincial governments in making their overall educational development plans and to schools to make their own decisions about school affairs, and improve the internal governance structure of the schools. We will strengthen the state's function in supervising education, and entrust social organizations to carry out evaluation and monitoring of education. We will improve the systems of government subsidies, government services purchase, student loans, scholarships and incentive for donation to education, and encourage social funds to be channeled into education.
(43)健全促进就业创业体制机制。建立经济发展和扩大就业的联动机制,健全政府促进就业责任制度。规范招人用人制度,消除城乡、行业、身份、性别等一切影响平等就业的制度障碍和就业歧视。完善扶持创业的优惠政策,形成政府激励创业、社会支持创业、劳动者勇于创业新机制。完善城乡均等的公共就业创业服务体系,构建劳动者终身职业培训体系。增强失业保险制度预防失业、促进就业功能,完善就业失业监测统计制度。创新劳动关系协调机制,畅通职工表达合理诉求渠道。 43. Improving systems and mechanisms that boost employment and business startups. We will set up a mechanism that links up economic growth and employment increase, and improve the responsibility system of the government in promoting employment. We will regulate human resource management, removing all institutional barriers and employment discrimination that affect equal employment, such as the birthplace of a person (cities or countryside), industries, social status and gender. We will improve preferential policies for business startups, so as to put into place a new mechanism under which the government gives incentive to, the enterprises support and the laborers are bold in starting new businesses. We will improve the public service system for employment that fares both urban and rural areas equally, and build a lifelong vocational training system for workers. We will strengthen the functions of the unemployment insurance system in preventing unemployment and boosting employment, and improve the employment/unemployment monitoring and statistics system. We will innovate the labor relations coordination mechanism, opening up channels for workers to effectively make reasonable appeals.
促进以高校毕业生为重点的青年就业和农村转移劳动力、城镇困难人员、退役军人就业。结合产业升级开发更多适合高校毕业生的就业岗位。政府购买基层公共管理和社会服务岗位更多用于吸纳高校毕业生就业。健全鼓励高校毕业生到基层工作的服务保障机制,提高公务员定向招录和事业单位优先招聘比例。实行激励高校毕业生自主创业政策,整合发展国家和省级高校毕业生就业创业基金。实施离校未就业高校毕业生就业促进计划,把未就业的纳入就业见习、技能培训等就业准备活动之中,对有特殊困难的实行全程就业服务。 We will promote the employment of young people, especially college graduates, and the employment of workers from rural areas, urban residents with financial difficulties and ex-service members. We will create more employment opportunities for college graduates during the process of industrial upgrading. The posts in public management and social services that the government buys shall be primarily used for the employment of graduates of higher-learning institutions. We will improve the service and security mechanism for encouraging college graduates to work at the community level, and increase the proportion of the posts in which they enjoy priority in the recruitment of civil servants and public institution employees. We will adopt policies to encourage more college graduates to start businesses on their own, and integrate and develop the entrepreneurship and employment foundations for graduates of national- and provincial-level colleges. We will implement a plan for promoting the employment of college graduates who have left school but have not found jobs, include unemployed college graduates in employment-preparation activities, such as working as interns and skill training, and provide overall employment assistance to those with special difficulties.
(44)形成合理有序的收入分配格局。着重保护劳动所得,努力实现劳动报酬增长和劳动生产率提高同步,提高劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重。健全工资决定和正常增长机制,完善最低工资和工资支付保障制度,完善企业工资集体协商制度。改革机关事业单位工资和津贴补贴制度,完善艰苦边远地区津贴增长机制。健全资本、知识、技术、管理等由要素市场决定的报酬机制。扩展投资和租赁服务等途径,优化上市公司投资者回报机制,保护投资者尤其是中小投资者合法权益,多渠道增加居民财产性收入。 44. Forming a reasonable and orderly distribution pattern of income. We will place emphasis on protecting labor income, strive to synchronize the increase of remuneration for labor with the growth of labor productivity, and raise the proportion of labor remuneration in primary distribution. We will improve the mechanisms of wage determination and regular growth, the systems of minimum wage and guaranteed full payment of wages, and the system of collective pay negotiation in enterprises. We will reform the salary, allowance and bonus system of government organs and public institutions, improve the growth mechanism of allowances for working in remote and border areas. We will improve the system in which the returns for capital, knowledge, technology, managerial expertise and other production factors are determined by the market. We will open up channels for investment and lease services, optimize the mechanism of return for investors of listed companies, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the investors, particularly the medium and small investors, so as to increase the citizens' property incomes via various channels.
完善以税收、社会保障、转移支付为主要手段的再分配调节机制,加大税收调节力度。建立公共资源出让收益合理共享机制。完善慈善捐助减免税制度,支持慈善事业发挥扶贫济困积极作用。 We will improve the regulatory mechanism of income redistribution mainly by the means of taxation, social security and transfer payment and enhance the regulatory role of taxation. We will set up a reasonable sharing mechanism of the earnings from transfer of public resources. We will improve the tax reduction and exemption system for charitable donations, so as to give full play to the positive role of charity organizations in helping the poor and needy.
规范收入分配秩序,完善收入分配调控体制机制和政策体系,建立个人收入和财产信息系统,保护合法收入,调节过高收入,清理规范隐性收入,取缔非法收入,增加低收入者收入,扩大中等收入者比重,努力缩小城乡、区域、行业收入分配差距,逐步形成橄榄型分配格局。 We will regulate income distribution procedures and improve the regulatory systems and mechanisms and policy system for income distribution, establish an individual income and property information system, protect legitimate incomes, regulate excessively high incomes, redefine and clear away hidden incomes, outlaw illegal incomes, increase the incomes of low-income groups, and increase the proportion of the middle-income group in society as a whole. We will strive to narrow the income gap between urban and rural areas, different regions and different sectors, thus gradually forming an olive-shaped distribution structure in the country.
(45)建立更加公平可持续的社会保障制度。坚持社会统筹和个人账户相结合的基本养老保险制度,完善个人账户制度,健全多缴多得激励机制,确保参保人权益,实现基础养老金全国统筹,坚持精算平衡原则。推进机关事业单位养老保险制度改革。整合城乡居民基本养老保险制度、基本医疗保险制度。推进城乡最低生活保障制度统筹发展。建立健全合理兼顾各类人员的社会保障待遇确定和正常调整机制。完善社会保险关系转移接续政策,扩大参保缴费覆盖面,适时适当降低社会保险费率。研究制定渐进式延迟退休年龄政策。加快健全社会保障管理体制和经办服务体系。健全符合国情的住房保障和供应体系,建立公开规范的住房公积金制度,改进住房公积金提取、使用、监管机制。 45. Instituting a fairer and more sustainable social security system. We will adhere to the basic old-age insurance system that combines social pools with individual accounts, improve the individual accounts system, complete the incentive mechanism in which those who contribute more will get more, guarantee the rights and interests of the insured, place basic old-age pension under unified national planning, and uphold the principle of balance based on actuarial mathematics. We will push forward the reform of the old-age insurance system for government organs and public institutions. We will integrate the basic old-age insurance and medical care insurance systems for urban and rural residents, and expedite the balanced development of the minimum living allowance system in both urban and rural areas. We will establish and improve a social security benefits calculation and regular adjustment mechanism that gives appropriate consideration to various groups. We will improve policies on the transfer and continuation of social insurance, extend insurance coverage to more groups of people, and reduce the social insurance premiums appropriately and in a timely manner. We will study and work out a policy to progressively raise the retirement age. We will speed up the improvement of a social security management system and service network. We will improve a housing security and supply system consistent with our national conditions, create an open and standard housing provident fund system, and improve the regulations on the withdrawal, use and supervision of the provident fund.
健全社会保障财政投入制度,完善社会保障预算制度。加强社会保险基金投资管理和监督,推进基金市场化、多元化投资运营。制定实施免税、延期征税等优惠政策,加快发展企业年金、职业年金、商业保险,构建多层次社会保障体系。 We will improve a financial input system for and the budgeting system of social security. We will strengthen management of and supervision over investment of social insurance funds, and encourage the funds to be invested into diversified sectors in the market. We will enact preferential policies, such as tax exemption and deferral, and encourage the development of enterprise annuity, occupational annuity and commercial insurance, so as to bring into shape a multi-level social security system.
积极应对人口老龄化,加快建立社会养老服务体系和发展老年服务产业。健全农村留守儿童、妇女、老年人关爱服务体系,健全残疾人权益保障、困境儿童分类保障制度。 We will respond actively to the aging of the population, quicken steps in the establishment of a social endowment service system and development of the service industry for the elderly. We will improve the caring service system for children, women and seniors left behind in the rural areas and a classified security system to protect the rights and interests of the disabled and children in difficulties.
(46)深化医药卫生体制改革。统筹推进医疗保障、医疗服务、公共卫生、药品供应、监管体制综合改革。深化基层医疗卫生机构综合改革,健全网络化城乡基层医疗卫生服务运行机制。加快公立医院改革,落实政府责任,建立科学的医疗绩效评价机制和适应行业特点的人才培养、人事薪酬制度。完善合理分级诊疗模式,建立社区医生和居民契约服务关系。充分利用信息化手段,促进优质医疗资源纵向流动。加强区域公共卫生服务资源整合。取消以药补医,理顺医药价格,建立科学补偿机制。改革医保支付方式,健全全民医保体系。加快健全重特大疾病医疗保险和救助制度。完善中医药事业发展政策和机制。 46. Deepening reform in medicine and health care. We will proceed with a comprehensive reform in medical security, medical care, public health, and the medicine supply and regulatory system. We will deepen the comprehensive reform of grass-roots medical and healthcare institutions, and improve the network of urban and rural basic medical and healthcare services. We will accelerate the reform of public hospitals, ensure the government shoulders its responsibilities in this regard, and set up a scientific medical treatment assessment mechanism and a personnel training and salary system suited to the characteristics of this sector. We will improve the rational modes of graded diagnosis and treatment, establishing a service contract between community doctors and residents. We will make full use of information means to promote the downward flow of high-quality medical sources, and strengthen the regional integration of public medical service resources. We will abolish the practice of raising medicine prices to make up for the shortfall in hospital funds, rationalize the prices of medical services and medicines, and establish an appropriate compensation mechanism. We will reform the methods of insurance payouts, and extend the medical insurance system to all the people. We will speed up the completion of the medical insurance and medical assistance system against fatal and serious diseases. We will improve the policies and mechanisms for the development of traditional Chinese medicine.
鼓励社会办医,优先支持举办非营利性医疗机构。社会资金可直接投向资源稀缺及满足多元需求服务领域,多种形式参与公立医院改制重组。允许医师多点执业,允许民办医疗机构纳入医保定点范围。 We will encourage private funds to flow to medical services, first supporting them to flow to not-for-profit medical institutions. We will allow private funds to invest directly in services that are short of resources or are to meet diverse demands, and to participate in the reform and restructuring of public hospitals in various forms. We will allow doctors to work for more than one hospital, and allow private medical institutions to be included in designated medical insurance institutions.
坚持计划生育的基本国策,启动实施一方是独生子女的夫妇可生育两个孩子的政策,逐步调整完善生育政策,促进人口长期均衡发展。 While persisting in the basic national policy of family planning, we will initiate a policy that allows married couples to have two children if one of the parents is a single child, and gradually adjust and improve the birth policy to promote balanced population growth in the long run.

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