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Daily News 2010-08-12

A new superbug from India could spread around the world -- in part because of medical tourism -- and scientists said few drugs are available to treat it, Reuters reported.

A new superbug from India could spread around the world -- in part because of medical tourism -- and scientists said few drugs are available to treat it, Reuters reported.
New superbug spreading from India 超级细菌或蔓延全球
A new superbug from India could spread around the world -- in part because of medical tourism -- and scientists said few drugs are available to treat it, Reuters reported. The new gene called New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase (NDM-1) was found in patients in South Asia and in Britain. NDM-1-producing bacteria are resistant to almost all antibiotics including carbapenems, a class of drugs reserved for emergency use and to treat infections caused by other multi-resistant bugs. It has been largely found in E. coli bacteria and on DNA structures that can be easily copied and passed onto other types of bacteria. Researchers have found 44 NDM-1-positive bacteria in Chennai, 26 in Haryana, 37 in Britain, and 73 in other sites in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. Several of the British NDM-1 positive patients had traveled recently to India or Pakistan for hospital treatment, including cosmetic surgery, they said. 路透社报道,一种产生于印度的超级细菌很可能会伴着医疗旅游在全世界蔓延开来,目前几乎没有药物可以对付它。科学家是在南亚和英国的一些病人身上发现这种叫做NDM-1的新型基因的。它所产生的细菌对包括碳青霉烯类抗生素在内的几乎所有抗生素都具有抗药性,而碳青霉烯类抗生素是紧急治疗抗药性病症的终极手段。研究发现,大多数NDM-1超级细菌出现在大肠杆菌以及可以自由复制和变异的DNA结构中。在确认的患者中,印度钦奈市有44人,印度哈里亚纳邦26人,英国37人,孟加拉国、巴基斯坦和印度其它地方共73人。研究人员透露,部分英国患者最近曾前往印度或巴基斯坦接受治疗,有的做了整形手术。
Mudslide death toll rises to 1,117 泥石流遇难人数升至1117
The death toll from the massive mudslides in Zhouqu County, Gansu Province has risen to 1,117, with 627 still missing, Xinhua reported. A total of 567 survivors have been treated and a further 64 seriously injured people have been hospitalized. Hopes of finding any more survivors faded as thunderstorms battered the county Wednesday night, leaving another three people missing. Heavy rains forecast through Friday could cause a barrier lake formed on the Bailong River to burst and flood already-devastated areas. Another mudslide has blocked the Lianghekou-Zhouqu Road, which is the shortest route for bringing relief goods from the provincial capital Lanzhou. So far there have been no reports of epidemic outbreaks or major public health incidents. 据新华社报道,在甘肃省舟曲县发生的特大泥石流灾害中,死亡人数已上升至1117人,627人仍然下落不明。567位幸存人员已接受医疗,另外64位重伤者仍住院接受治疗。周三晚,舟曲县遭受了暴风雨袭击,致使另外三人失踪,更使寻找到更多生还者的希望渺茫。据预报,大雨可持续到周五,这可能会引发白龙江上的堰塞湖决口,淹没本已遭到重创的灾区。另外一次泥石流阻塞了两河口到舟曲的公路,此公路是从省会兰州到舟曲最近的救灾物资输送道路。迄今为止,舟曲还未有爆发传染病或公共卫生事件的报告。
World's most powerful prisoners 有影响力囚犯 黄光裕居首
The August 10 issue of the Foreign Policy magazine listed the five most powerful people behind bars. Huang Guangyu, Gome's former chairman and the richest man in China ranks first. Mikhail Khodorkovsky, once the richest man in Russia, finished second. Third is Omar Abdel-Rahman, the mastermind of the first World Trade Center bombing. Marwan Barghouti, the leader of the Palestinian Fatah movement, and Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi come fourth and fifth, respectively. 美国《外交政策》杂志8月10日盘点了世界上最有影响力的五大囚犯。其中,前中国首富﹑国美电器前主席黄光裕位列首位,之后依次是俄罗斯前首富米哈伊尔·霍多尔科夫斯基、第一次世贸大厦袭击策划者奥马尔·阿卜杜勒·拉曼、法塔赫领导人马尔万·巴尔古提和缅甸反对党领导人昂山素季。
1.8% of population is Christian 中国基督教徒占总人口1.8%
China has about 23 million Christians, accounting for 1.8% of the total population, according to the Religion Blue Book published by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences on Wednesday. Nearly 70% of Christians joined the faith after experiencing health problems. The report also shows Christian communities in China have grown rapidly in recent years: 73% of the believers converted since 1993. Of the Christians, women make up 70% of the faith group. A relatively low education level is common among Chinese Christians; only 2.6% went to college. 中国社科院在周三发布的《宗教蓝皮书》中估算,中国现有基督徒2300万人,约占全国人口总数的1.8%。其中,因疾病而信仰基督教的信徒占到了近70%。报告显示,近年来,中国基督教徒群体规模增长较快,1993年以来开始信教的基督徒占信徒总数的73%。中国基督徒以女性居多,大概占到了七成。若从受教育程度来看,中国基督徒受教育程度普遍偏低,大专及以上学历者仅占2.6%。
Regulator standardizes credit cards 银监会首次全面规范信用卡
The Oriental Morning Post reported that the China Banking Regulatory Commission Wednesday issued new regulatory measures on credit cards, an amendment to an earlier one issued in 1996. The new measures intend to standardize China's credit card market where a total of 185 million credit cards have been issued by commercial banks. The CBRC also specifically forbids charging fees to inactive cards and issuing cards to minors. 《东方早报》消息,中国银监会周三下发了《商业银行信用卡业务监督管理办法》,进一步完善了1996年下发的《信用卡业务管理办法》。新办法旨在全面规范中国的信用卡市场。截至目前,商业银行信用卡发行总量已达1.85亿张。银监会还特别强调不得向未激活卡收费,不得向未成年人发放信用卡。

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