The new animated movie "Saving Bikini Bottom: The Sandy Cheeks Movie" will be released in Chinese theaters on Oct. 18, marking the big-screen return of SpongeBob and his friends.
Iconic Events' presentation of "Terrifier 3" topped the North American box office on its opening weekend with an estimated three-day cume of 18.26 million U.S. dollars, data from the measurement firm Comscore showed on Sunday.
Light Chaser Animation, a leading Chinese animation production team, has just announced that it would extend the theatrical run of its annual feature "White Snake: Afloat" from Oct. 10 to Nov. 10.
Harry Potter fans in China will return to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this weekend as Warner Bros. Pictures rereleases all eight films in theaters nationwide starting Oct. 11.
A time-warping miniseries shot into public view on social media over the recent National Day holiday — a tale depicting modern youth contributing to the remarkable Long March of 1934-36.
China recorded 2.1 billion yuan (about 297 million U.S. dollars) in box office takings for the 2024 National Day holiday, the China Film Administration said Tuesday.
A new crime thriller, "Welcome to the Game," captivated audiences with its multilayered plot twists during advanced screenings in Wuhan, Hubei province, on Oct. 5.
In a world where history often fades into obscurity, Fang Li, a 70-year-old Chinese filmmaker and oceanic expert, is on a mission to revive forgotten stories from the depths of the sea and the annals of time.