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Grand exhibition on ancient Egyptian civilization opens
​A grand exhibition on the ancient Egyptian civilization, the largest of its kind held outside Egypt over the past 20 years, opened Wednesday in Shanghai.
Relics from New Kingdom, Late Period of Ancient Egypt discovered in southern Egypt
A joint Egyptian-French archeological mission discovered ancient inscriptions, stela, and miniatures images of some kings of the New Kingdom (1550 BC-1069 BC) and the Late Period (747 BC-332 BC) of Ancient Egypt under the water of Nile River in southern Egypt, the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities said on Wednesday.
Discoveries in Jiangsu shed light on life in canal-side sites
Archaeological efforts between 2021 and 2023 at three sites in Huai'an — Qingchengmen, Xinlu and Banzhazhen — along the Grand Canal from south to north, shed light on ancient city life during the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties, scholars told a National Cultural Heritage Administration news conference in Beijing on Friday.
Experts brainstorm role of new technology in cultural heritage protection
At the seventh International Symposium on Cultural Heritage Conservation by Digitization held at the center, hundreds of experts and practitioners from home and abroad are considering the relationship between cultural heritage and new technologies.
Forum on digitized conservation of cultural heritage opens
The seventh International Symposium on Cultural Heritage Conservation by Digitization (CHCD) kicked off Tuesday in Beijing.
Singers battle to reinvigorate ancient 'slow rap'
With dynamic beats and catchy lyrics, singers battle each other onstage with performances that echo modern-day rap. Except this is something much older with very different roots.
Beijing snacks prove popular during summer vacation
As the summer season heats up, Beijing's dining scene is experiencing a boom, with a significant increase in customer traffic and revenue at numerous restaurants, and some unique cuisines witnessing overwhelming demand.
For the love of lutes
More than 120 young students from different parts of China performed at the Forbidden City Concert Hall in Beijing on Friday, playing adaptations of folk and pop music.
Beijing holds Confucius-Aristotle Symposium 2024
The Confucius-Aristotle Symposium 2024, co-organized by the Tsinghua Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Social Sciences, the Mencius Foundation, and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UN SDSN), was held in Beijing on July 11-12.
Breathing life into a childhood dream
China Daily presents the series Friends Afar to tell the stories of people-to-people exchanges between China and other countries. Through the vivid narration of the people in the stories, readers can get a better understanding of a country that is boosting openness.
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