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Art & Design
Moments frozen in time
Photographer's ongoing project captures candid images of strangers, exhibiting them years later to show how their lives have evolved.
Exhibition shows love letters and art as partners in romance
With love letters as the theme, an exhibition featuring ancient Chinese paintings and calligraphy works at the Hong Kong Museum of Art has drawn a group of rare visitors — people aged 35 or under account for more than 60 percent of the exhibition-goers.
Sanxingdui's mysteries enthrall Beijing museumgoers
The widely anticipated exhibition, "Unveiling Sanxingdui and Jinsha of Ancient Shu Civilization," which opened on June 27 and which will run through to Oct 10, has placed 265 artifacts on display and shows the efforts over the last century to decode a distant past.
Going back to the roots
Foundations of Chinese civilization come into greater focus as exhibition examines key themes.
Art creation strikes when the iron is hot
Originating from Wuhu, Anhui province, Wuhu iron painting is crafted from iron sheets and wires, heated using a furnace or spot welder.
Old brands capitalizing on China-chic trend
Faced with cut-throat competition from both domestic and foreign companies absent in the past, many of the long-established businesses are proactively adapting to the changing landscape and flourishing by tapping into the current consumer trend of China-chic products, which are designed with traditional cultural elements.
Shanghai art center and Moscow conservatory to hold week-long educational events
Shanghai Oriental Art Center (SHOAC) will join hands with the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory in Russia to host a five-week long educational project in August.
Art inspires stronger China-Italy ties
From Florence to Beijing, between figurative and abstract, creative talent blazes its own paths.
Pudong expansion of museum continues apace
Addition of six new permanent galleries since February vastly increases institution's scope and appeal.
Discover Qilian Mountains' beauty at new museum
The Qilian Mountain National Park Natural Museum in Sunan Yugur autonomous county of Zhangye, Gansu province, opened to the public on Tuesday.
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